As I'm not very fond of playing with dolls or action figures anymore, I decided I needed to find another purpose for my Doctor Who action figures. I don't remember how it started, but to this day I love to set up my different figures into ~TABLEAU'S~.
1. a picture, as of a scene.
2. a picturesque grouping of persons or objects; a striking scene.
3. a representation of a picture, statue, scene, etc., by one or more persons suitably costumed and posed.
For example, in my above picture I created the word LOVE by posing my action figures. I then created a scene in the background, where characters and monsters are getting along peacefully[seen below]:
My sister Abree convinced me awhile ago to start taking pictures of them, as they proved to get more clever and awesome as I went. I have many undocumented tableau's but this post will showcase the few I did get on film.
~~One of my first, more basic, shots. My cousin Eric was the one who actually got The Doctor and Martha to look like they were making out; very genius. I also like the blank stances of Spacesuit!Doctor and Dalek Sec which clearly say "Her?
~~A very random scene. No story really exists but you can make what you like of EVERYONE stopping the 9th Doctor in the middle.
~~"Cassandra and The Human Club" are the galaxies most popular music group. The band consists of Cassandra, Astrid, Martha, The Master and Scarecrow. As you can see, they have many fans that are rocking out. Thankfully the Heavenly Hosts are blocking crazed fans!
~~Fans are getting a little too excited. Crowd surfing has started and a poor Cyberman is getting crushed by a Dalek who wants to get closer to the stage! :(
~~This is one of my many "Dance" themed tableau's. Each character is contributing to a larger dance. My personal favorite are the Cybermen in the back who are belting the blues!
~~Here's my most elaborate dance party. Each section is doing a different type or themed genre of music. Let's go from right to left:
Doctor Constantine and Mickey are doing the disco! Behind them is a "Timelord+One" ballroom dance where Martha, Rose and Astrid are being serenaded by a Timelord. On the very left you can see a broken Cybermen is breakdancing.
In the middle we have some sychronized dancing by a Host and a Clockwork Man. In the back you have the 9th Doctor with his K9 boombox, rocking out to some techo beats while Spacesuit!Doctor does some pelvic-thrusts.
Finally, you have the YMCA, performed by a Cyberman, the 5th Doctor, Yana and a Host. Behind them is a Doctor-only conga line. And in the back you have Thriller being performed by a Weeping Angel, Hoix and Scarecrow.
My favorite tableau:
~~Rose, Astrid and The Master have been kidnapped by a Weeping Angel & Host henchmen and tied to the Space!Lift. The Doctor and his companions Martha, Mickey, Hoix and Scarecrow attempt to rescue them using an ingenious ploy. On the left the Hoix and Scarecrow are taking care of the guards. [continued below]
~~Meanwhile, The Doctor holds up a mirror to the Angel so it will quantum lock. This gives Mickey and Martha time to sneak over and rescue the victims!
~~Conclusion: The clever team tie up the Hosts and place the mirror in front of the Weeping Angel so they are forever trapped. To celebrate, everybody pairs up and runs off into the distance. One Doctor grabs Rose and runs to the TARDIS, The Master sweeps Martha off her feet to run away together, the Hoix and Scarecrow run off together, Another Doctor takes Astrid away and poor Mickey is left in the middle, pissed off and alone.
Well, that's all my documented tableau's. If you think these were awesome, you should see my older sister's. Her tableau's include Charles Dicken himself! :)
Oh, ok, I have one more to show. It was made by my friend Claire so it could be considered offensive and crass ;)
~~Orgy in the TARDIS! Rose and The Doctor are getting it on, on the right, while The Master, Astrid and Scarecrow have a three-some on the TARDIS CONSOLE. The Hoix seems to be watching the action from above and Mickey sits off to the left.
~~What's this? Martha is greatly disturbed by this shennanigans! And it looks like the 9th Doctor is stayin' classy and is fixing up his ship.
Thank you, Claire
&&&&&Note: I purposely made the pictures bright and washed-out for a dramatic effect. You're welcome.