Ok, so I'm at Hy-Vee buying me some Jones Soda. I'm in line behind this creepy looking old man, he's talking to the cashier and then turns sees me and stops suddenly. I mean he stops talking, looking at the cashier, removing his money from his wallet, everything to stare at me. He seriously stared for like 5 minutes with a look of bewilderment like he was shot or someone just told him the secret to mankind. He looked away finally and payed then looks back at me with the same look.
"Do you do that on purpose? So people think you are sick, I know you can't get a job looking like that"
I was completely stunned I didn't know what else to say so I said
"I already have a job but thanks and I'm sure it pays more than your social security checks your milking from me."
"That's disgusting"
He shakes his head in disgust and walks away. He's still sitting on a bench in front of the store. I had the total intention of just doing something completely crazy like breakdancing or something equally random to be done in a supermarket. I look at him and he's still staring! I tell him it's ok to stop staring now and he comes back with "You're fat too" I was completely stunned by that statement. The guy was honestly at least 80 and three times my size. I was stunned to the point that my comeback to that one was "Wow maybe you should check out how massive you are, have a nice life old man." I mean for god sakes he couldn't even walk out the door without stopping to take a break at the bench. And he called me fat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
At first this was just my story of the week, then he called me fat, and it became the story of my next two months. Honestly you'd think people that age would have something better to do than to call an 18 year old girl fat at the supermarket. HAHAH I seriously can not believe that happened.