
Jul 23, 2009 02:45

Conversation I had with my fiance's ex that is a total bitch!

Me : well I wasn’t getting a attitude with you I was just saying that everyone should stay out of it bc its the friend thing to do. So what if he is your brother, he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore and if you were a good sister you would let it be Now if you would as so kindly lose all of our numbers that would be best. Thank You

Bitch : My phone my rules. And if you were any kind of a good sister to cynthia you would care wha jesse is doing to her. But wait I forgot you've told him to Get rid of her or else hes kicked out

Me : When the hell did I say that to her?

Bitch: Thats obviously what your telling jesse. To leave her just because you dont want her around.

Me : That's it if you say one more thing like that then Im coming over there and Im kicking you ass. Call the cops or tell steven I dont care but you dont tell me Ive said something when I haven’t Besides that's just some bullshit that you think I’ve said bc that is what she wants you to think that. I haven’t said that bc if I had she would have known. My dad said if he didn’t get some money from Jesse he would kick him out bc atm he is living here for free. And yes at that time it was her problem to deal with. I NEVER said I wanted him to leave her just so she wouldn’t come around.

Bitch: Not to mention u and Gary always fucking or all up on each other hardly spending time with jesse. Wtf ever. You cant do shit.

Me : HAH that is what you think

Bitch: I’m tired of being nice to everyone especially u and Gary. I’m NOT jealous of that small ass cock. And I dont know how ur getting off on it bc I sure as hell couldn’t

Me: Besides WE DONT fuck all the time and just so you know Jesse is sitting in my room right now watching Gary play a video game .If it wasn’t so good then why were you with him for 5 months? Was it for the money that he could have been getting? Or were you using him to give you a place to sleep at night?

Bitch: Guy who will leave you once he realizes how pathetic u are

Me: What?

Bitch: I dont think I know. All you’ve ever done since I met u and matt is play games. You rule everyone’s lives you come across beside you dont like your own. I dont care what they r doing You took Gary out of my life so your a crazy ass fucing bitch that dont give a shit about anyone.

Me: I play games? I play games? Yeah right you play games...You dont tell the men you are with that you are still married you didn’t even really know who William’s father was and you cheat on most of them in the end. So I play games? m Yeah whatever makes you sleep at night. I dont see how I play games. I like my life they way it is right now. So I’m sorry if you dont like yours. I took him? It wasn’t really hard when you were fucking up, besides that one is all on you

Bitch: If it was for the money then I got poor judgment. If it was for sex. I’m dr. Do little. If it was for a place to stay. I’m a dead woman walking. If it Was for love. Then im a fat girl that loves cake.

Me: Then what was he for/
Bitch: It was because I loved him. I had a place to stay. I had a great guy before Gary. And guess what Gary is the one who told me to come live with him. And btw. I guess u left the greenway bc u thought I was coming to kick that fat ass of yours. You dumb ass bitch of a whore.....that cant read

Me: I can read, and to be honest we were never at the greenway we just didn’t want to hang out with you. Besides I maybe fat but at least I look pretty.
Bitch: Oh and if u were going to come over here and kick my ass you’d be here already

Me: I said if you pissed me off again I would. Which you haven’t so I’m not coming. Looks like you cant read

Bitch: Haha yeah ur pretty. But im hot i hope u like sloppy seconds Oh and cyn says to jesse the same thing about him and that whore christina. I added the whore part

Me: Sloppy seconds are fine if you know how to use them. And I guess you dont. Besides who told you, you were hot?

Bitch: Haha if this hasn’t pissed u off. U must have shit it all out in your pants

Me: No I refuse to let your childish words piss me off to the point that I want to kick your ass. Because we both know it would happen.

Bitch: Gary told me before he told u Haha no it wouldn’t u have to find mw first And if I was pissed I wouldn’t be laughing

Me: Well that was only because he was with you and felt sorry for you. Besides who said it was him who told me I was hot. I never said you were pissed did I/

Bitch: Well you never would have gotten that small dick if it wasn’t for me bringing him to nc So u owe me big fuck off goodbye

Me: I dont owe you anything, and we know that you are the reason we are together and we laugh about it all the time. So yeah your just a joke to us really.

Bitch: And your a joke to your son. He’s more attached to cyn than u so take u and ur unmotherly ass to the lake and drown u stupid bitch Oh lookie there no sign of ur car outside. Now whos scared of the big bad wolf.

Me: I thought you wanted me to leave you alone? Why you talking to me?

Bitch: Why did u answer? Bye
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