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dementedmentor User Number: 6017419
Date Created:2-4-04
Number of Posts: 13
Hi. I am Demented Mentor, master of all darkness...and toe socks. Okay, truth be told I'm not the darkest crayon in the box. I'm like a blue. is good. I am a master with sharp remarks and the pen. Haha. But read on if you are interested in the...oddness...that is Demented Mentor.
Strengths: Intellegent, physically strong, manipulative, and persuasive.
Weaknesses: Too friendly, weak in mind, sometimes depressed, and a little too morbid for myself at sometimes.
Special Skills: Writing, reading, and mastering other languages.
Weapons: The pen, the sword (Yeah seriously. I have some weird hobbies), sarcasm, and evilness.
Instuments: I can play the electric guitar, drums, clarinet, and some piano.
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