Nov 21, 2005 01:42
1. crEAte a fabulOus lOGo for tYpography class
2. finiSh charactErs for ouR braNd - DementeDDoLL
3. stOp being CHeAp. buY myseLf somEth!ng ExpensivE
4. Buy neW make-Up. reaD "LOve mE" (whicH rOd gave, wtF was He tryIng to saY?!?)
5. imiTate bJork and stArt danCing likE an animaL during reLigion clAss
6. stop Hating mysElf. LoVE me.
7. stop wishinG that I was dEAd
8. stop DaydrEaming while croSSing the Street coZ i almost gOt hit by A truck twice!
9. smoKe less whicH will nOt haPPen
10. fIND emO bOI
11. fuck the kOreaNs
12. buY platfOrm shOes
13. eat kImchi wit A cute kOrean bOI
14. waTch "ang PagdadaLAga ni Maximo oliVeras" and "bEautiFuL bOXEr"
15. mAke new clOthes and Bag
16. Kill CUESHE coZ they suck biG time
17. listeN to blOc party
18. ignOre those Who hurt me verballY, i wiLL get my revenge. Thats nOt a threaT, its a Promise.
19. stUdy hardEr
20. driNk beer untiL i droWn in my owN vommit
21. hate stuPid and ignorAnt peoPle. kill homophobs.
22. painT my naILs.
23. pouR gasoLine and light A match and burn my scHool.
DIE BITCH DIE !!!!!!!!!
24. LOVE ROD and if He doesnt love me in return, kill THE bastard. if i canT have him, no one can *evil grin*
25. geT a new piercing and tAtoo
26. be Sexy like a vAmpire
27. dreaM big. get louiS vuittOn and dolce&gabbana
thAts all fOr now....