Mar 14, 2004 01:44
So I spent the night ridin' around with Gary and Scott. They ended up smokin' weed,so I was the designated driver. (Neither of them felt like concentrating.) I wasn't supossed to be out without mom,but oh well. I had her permission to go hang out so it's all gravy. I'm proud of myself for not gettin' high. But I did drink 2 Colt 45's. Fuggit. At least I have a good buzz and can't get sad. =)
Sometimes I really wish I could find a grrl to spend all my time with. I don't even care if it's dating or just hanging out. Finding my "soul mate" isn't really on my To-Do List right now. I need a way to pass the time,seeing as how I don't have school anymore. I'd like to spend my days chillin' with somebody other than my fuckin' mom.
Trevor and I are talking on the phone.He's being all quiet again. I've spent the past few nights talking to him and Anothony's stupid ass. I really love talking to them though. When I'm talking to them I feel accepted. Like someone actually gives a damn. I missed that feeling..soo much.
I play off like I don't give a fuck sometimes,but I really do. I need some sort of acceptance.
So I'm driving through Long Fork,right? And this truck is gettin' on my ass. I look at Gary and say "He's gunna think on my ass in a sec!" And at the straight stretch I grab the "E-Brake" and slide sideways on him after speeding up to about 60. I had Scott scared shitless. And I loved every minute of it. Needless to say..that guy backed off.
I love people. They're stupidity is amusing at times.