Jan 03, 2005 21:37
I want you to all read this! It's from my dear dear dear Nadine's Livejournal. I know it's long but please take the time to read this, it will really get you thinking and i think it's awesome:
"Through out history and im sure the future, boys have had a reputation. How this reputation even started im do not believe anyone knows. All we know is they live up to it. They really are more confusing than girls. Im sure they will never agree but its very true. We are so easy to understand, if only they tore their eyes away from football or a girl in a miniskirt enough to pay attention to what we are telling them. Most of the time i just want to grab a guys head and smack him silly. My mother always told me that boys like to try everything before they settle for somthing they like. But maybe its not even somthing that they like, maybe its somthing they can cope with. And if thats the way it is,who really wants to be coped with? is that how everything is?even for girls, we are always complaining about our boyfriends but why dont we just dump them and end it all? Why do we cope and pretend we have somthing that we want but in reality we are totally unhappy with what we have? is everyone pretending? Maybe thats why a lot of people end in divorce they get sick of pretending and wasting their lives away. I think stress with relationships and situations is much greater in highschool and when youre 50. In highschool it seems like everyone has to think the person you are dating is attractive or you cant date them, and if you do then its some big deal. When did just you having feelings for the person count as not enough? Since when does youre neighbors neighbor have to approve of the person you have feelings for? i didnt catch the memo, didnt get a fax didnt get a e-mail didnt get a effing post card. Back in elementry school things were so much easier. The biggest problem that anyone had was getting gum out of their hair. And even then no one really cared if you got a bad hair cut because sally threw gum in your hair, all that matter was the story behind it all. Everyone was friends with everyone then. Now in highschool people are all cut up into different parts. and have you noticed a lot of the popular girls arent even that pretty in the face? really look at them. Get behind the clothes and the fake laugh and the status, and the money, they arent that pretty. Guys really do have a thing for girls made of plastic now dont they? Sure there are a few that are gorgeous but not a lot. And most of them arent even smart. And why are they popular you may ask? well...because they kissed the right asses so now they can continue to kiss ass. Personally i dont exactly want to live my life kissing up to someone i inreality dispise. Here we are yet again with pretending. Maybe the saying " the whole world is your stage" is true. But sometimes i feel like im not even on stage, im the one in the audiance whose read the play before and knows exactly what everyone is going to say and do. It seems that growing up has made a lot of people oh so predicable.Are big boobs, bright blonde hair, and a short skirt the make up of a girl people want to take out these days? Have guys really gotten that shallow? And what is with guys obsession with sex? its a really rediculous thing to be thinking about 24/7. yes, i understand that it feels good, but there are so many more important things in life and id rather be doing them then have some guy breathe on me. Why do guys think that all girls are hoes and will sleep with them? Or do all guys think they are studs and girls want them? either way its rediculous. I dont think things will ever change in that aspect. Guys can be such dirty dogs. The thing that i hate the most is when a guy is trying to bite off more than he can chew. You know that type of guy. The type that wants every girl and feeds each one a line of bullshit and thinks that he will get in their pants. Personally i dont think that when a guy at this age says the "L" word totally means it. I dont think anyone does because we are just too younge to decide those things. I know youre probably thinking " oh no i really do love billy hes all i think about hes gonna be my baby daddy! :-D" bull shit! billy is thinking " gee sally is cool but wanda is a lot easier and wont expect me to take her out to dinner first :-D" I am really sick of people claiming to be totally in love with someone when they are like 14. like jo jo shes like what 12? and shes singing about all this crap, what does she know about love at 12? what does anyone know about love really? Is the whole world and everyone in it just one great big game of " Who wants to get laid next?" and if so then why are we all pretending its more?
Ain't it the truth tho? i mean seriously all guys thinkin about is sex! it's a proven fact! and about the whole "love" thing and everyone's using it, it's true! even me i mean i know i say it everyday. "i love you" "i love you" blah blah blah. i mean i dont say it to guys, i say it to my close friends. but i mean when the time comes when we actually want to use it and MEAN it it's going to be pointless bc EVERYONE is using it! you say it daily! so after about the 50 millionth time you've said it, it's useless, it has no meaning any more bc it's over used. just another cliche! i dont know if i'm ever going to say it and mean it! i haven't said it and ment it yet! i mean i say it to friends, such as courtney and nadine, but i mean i dont actually LOVE them, that's such a strong word! i love them to death, but only as a friend nothing more. see love, bye definition, means "A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance." i am not attracted to them, and that emotion certianly isn't there. i just love them as a friend! see we use it so much that no one really knows the meaning any more, it's lost it's meaning and purpose! hmm that's all i really have to say! so ya i'm done!