Feb 07, 2007 06:13
So I woke up in the morning to discover the internet was down. It made me mad and comcast informed me my service would be up soon. Even the Cable was messing up, forcing me to go rent movies.
But I did make friends with the toilet yesterday, we hadn't talked in awhile and my headache reached the vomitting point. Even though Carmen swore she'd take care of me so I'd feel better.
Later she informed me that throwing up made me feel better. It did.
We worked out in the gym. After we had a girl discussion of guys that could possibly come back later on in our lives and sweep us off our feet like some romance movie. Then we laughed at ridiculous that is.
Then we went to Fuel Coffee House which now sucks ass. We took DJ Dynomike with us since we had not talked to him in awhile. We tried to go to a poetry reading, but standing in the doorway for five minutes and realizing all the poets were black with poems on being black, we decided that it would be best to go elsewhere. My buddy Rob called and asked us what we were doing, I informed him, and he told me that white people were more racist then black.
I don't see a white person, except the KKK maybe, writing on how wonderful it is to be as 'pale as fresh snow, thank the Gods my ancestors came from countries where the sun doesn't burn us to a crisp.' Or something along those lines. We'd get shot!
Sushi was sought out after the poetry failed. We decided to go to an open mic Thursday and laugh at the poets. Mike told me I seem to enjoy that. I told him that his poetry was so emo it bled itself and if he could write one without using the word 'sorrow' or 'abyss' I might just date him.
After we got Sushi Carmen and Mike managed to terrify Rob who was on the phone with me. I invited him over for what we decided to do-- play DDR.
Of course, being the nerd I am, I whipped all their asses and they were playing me on the controller. Then Jessica, who got finished doing her homework, came downstairs and decided she wanted to play. I handed the mat over to her and went to bed.
Mike was drunk by now and doing better at the controller. Jess informed me a moment ago she still whipped his ass and he was beginning to think the game just hated him.
Now I am off to work. Hopefully it will be a slow day because I want to finish my book. Even if I kinda find it lame that the characters I like are named 'Lucivar, Daemon, and Saetan.'
I don't know if she was being creative or just wanted my head to throb with the obvious refrence. 'Saetan Daemon SiDiablo' COME ON MAN.