High school drama 8D I decided to sit with a new group of friends for lunch this week, and my old friends felt betrayed by me, so now they ignore me. I've been trying to make my old friends sit with my new friends for them not to feel "left out", but they all just don't seem to like each other ( - 3-). Oh wells, oh wells. I'm sure they're gonna learn to like each other as time goes by~.
d'aaaw. Sweat Punch is lovely, specially the "Comedy" episode ;o;
For those of you who don't know, Sweat Punch is a small series by Studio 4°C. Each one of the stories could be considered as a short film or so :B The stories don't really have any relation with each other, but it's still very enjoyable, hihihi (o 3o)b
Oooh, andand
do_n! I've been lurking through Lovely Complex, since you recommended it for me. I already have the first epi, yet I haven't seen it because I've lacked the time D:
But from what I've read from it, seems like a lovely lovely anime indeed. Thanks for telling me about it 8Db