Sep 28, 2004 01:33
i cant wiat to go see mikei n boston at the show . that shit will be tight. i havent seen him in ages and i wont know how to act around him jsut i never did in the first place and outside the context of online im a dork but whatever.
i hate this shit and yes i say hate. fuckinfg fuck. i miss my books . myshelters. the ones that really got me when know one did. everything now is placid and dull. same pweople over and over . with minor differences but i dont want to get to into the differences and find pastel colors. id much rather leave them as minor differences...
tonite i felt dick. i saw dick. it was right there, and my mind went all stupid body tingle and lick my lips. shits a drug. and i need it but if its with stupid people then i cant. i want to try one. a specific fucking ONE . i jsut want our lips to touch and nothing after that . i need to feel his lips. but fuck it theyre stale and used and our shit would be nothing more than inibreated braggin rights for the pleabeians.
i cant grasp my flow the beats box flow that was mine, subewed in beats and movement and irational acts of pure heat. everything was raw heat, the earths core. vynil with infinate BPM!
you all should burn!
trite trite trite!
anyone with an answer?
no you dont your jsut trying to cover up the UFO!
im so fucking simple. SO FUCKING SIMPLE! jsut get it please. pllllllllllllllllllllllllease! or ill be forced to cut you. its gonna happen im doing this shit only out of the good of my heart. cuz my morals of trying to grasp this pure state wont will me to be evil. my former life, though i found the softest bed in it , i feel was evil due to the tissues used to dry faces in my absence. knowingi was capable of acts like these ripped me apart. all due to my rapid flux. ---hi! im here ! now im gone--- deal with it .
selfish maybe.
selfished has used so many and made their souls grey.
silver is one of my favorate colors but not grey.
i took the shine away. reguarless of the filters they use.
and the ones i use.........
they say livei n the present, the past weighs you down. but with out a past who am i . creation is something i used to know . but rot overtook me. i rememebr how the former works. but ................just but!
small thoughts mikael. nothing to concrete.
at least one person mentioned my ablitiy the other night.
one person saw outside of my filters. if only for a dwelling instance. hhahahah
every now and then. <--- thats slowly becomeing the toretus truth of new times.
so fuck you all you corny bitch cop outs ! you are my VICEs . <---maybe you got that!
doubt it though!!!!!!!
penile responce eh? why dont you comment on it? no balls? no drive? this is what lets me know the grey hue to your flesh.
you could at least pull another annoymous deal. im not tryin to rape the security of your world. unaware is where i live.
but your killing it fast !