Activity Check;
The purpose of the monthly Activity Check is to encourage activity among players. In order to pass the check, players must provide one example of suitable activity for each character they play. Examples must take place during the dates being checked. You are not allowed to backdate new activity to fit into these dates. That defeats the purpose of the check. Acceptable examples of activity are as follows:
» one journal entry in your character journal.
» one [action] or prose log in the
demeleier_logs community.
» one comment thread of ten or more replies in any character journal. You are welcome to use a thread that is still going as long it was started between the dates being checked.
Activity must take place sometime between March 5th through April 6th.
In keeping with the relaxed nature of this game, we have tried to make our activity requirements easy for our players to meet. If you have any constructive feedback for us, please comment to this entry with it. We don't want to stress anyone out with this check, but we do want to encourage everyone to play their characters regularly and engage themselves in the game. That's the point, after all~
You can use the following form to submit proof of your character(s)'s activity.
Player Name: Character Name and Journal:Activity: (Please give a link to the activity and the date it took place. If you are linking a thread, give the date of the first comment.)
If you have a character that was accepted on or after April 1st, that character is exempt from this month's check. If you declared a hiatus via
the hiatus/drop post and are still on hiatus, you are exempt. Please use this post to help us keep track of who is on hiatus!
If you are concerned about this check for any reasons or have extenuating circumstances that you believe should make you exempt, please contact one of the mods and we will be happy to talk to you! Our contact information can be found below.
The Activity Check closes on Sunday, April 9th Tuesday, April 11th at 11pm GMT (6pm EST).