
Feb 28, 2008 09:39

For the last seven years, the present administration has banked on winning elections by dividing the United States, often at the expense of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community. One thing we know for sure as we move through this election cycle is that change is coming. The right wing religious voices that have governed will no longer. The candidates backed by the powers of division have failed. Mitt Romney made his worst financial investment ever, while Mike Huckabee has been relegated to poking fun at himself on Saturday Night Live. John McCain is not the moderate he paints himself. However, by choosing the nominee they felt represented the middle of the road, voters chose to end the reign of divisive politics that has held power for the last seven years.

The Democratic contest, especially as it relates to the LGBT Community, is drastically different. At first glance, it would appear that LGBT voters have the benefit of choosing between two people who are very similar on issues of importance to this community. Both Senators Clinton and Obama have taken similar positions on the issues of the day, up to and including marriage.

The difference, however, is stark when one compares the record of leadership on LGBT issues. While there is an abundance of riches for the LGBT community in the rhetoric around change, there is a clear difference in the results of making change happen.

Senator Clinton was instrumental in fighting back the Federal Marriage Amendment. As the Chair of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, Senator Clinton held back the onslaught from the Republican Party, which sought to enshrine discrimination into the Constitution. It is the most important legislative battle in the history of LGBT Equality, and Senator Clinton was on the front lines, hand-in-hand.

Senator Clinton has led the efforts behind the Early Treatment for HIV Act. In addition she was an original co-sponsor of hate crimes legislation, the Domestic Partners Benefits Act and a fully-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Time and time again Senator Clinton has been asked to help our community move forward in Washington, and she has been with us, hand-in-hand.

Senator Clinton knew immediately upon starting her campaign that this community was vital to the success of her campaign and indeed this country. She immediately added a full-time staff member to work with the LGBT Community. Right here in Ohio, the Director of the Campaign in openly gay. She created a National LGBT Leadership Council that includes prominent leaders from our community. It is led by Representative Tammy Baldwin, the only openly Lesbian member of the United States Congress. Senator Clinton invited our participation in her campaign and stands with one of our most respected leaders, hand-in hand.

Senator Clinton has taken the issues that we care most deeply about into non-traditional audiences. She openly opposed the Florida Marriage Amendment, talked about HIV and AIDS, including its impact on the gay community, to Evangelical leaders at Saddleback and she committed to passage of legislation important to the LGBT community during her national town hall. Even when standing on stage alone, she was with us hand-in-hand.

Anyone who has followed Senator Clinton in her career will not be surprised by any of this. It is not enough to talk about issues that matter to the LGBT Community, true leadership arises when someone is present in our community. The dialogue of American Politics changes when a United States Senator or the First Lady of the country marches in a pride parade. It changes when one candidate for president pledges to be the first President to do the same. Senator Clinton is the only candidate for President to accept an invitation to speak before the Equality Convention of the Human Rights Campaign. She is the only one to agree to a cover article in The Advocate. She has come to our neighborhoods, our organizations and our media and stood with us where we stand, hand-in-hand.

We urge all of Ohio, but especially the LGBT Community, to now stand with the candidate for President who has stood with us. We endorse Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States and ask that you stand with us, and Senator Clinton, hand-in-hand.

Bo Shuff Leslye Huff
Columbus Cleveland
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