Apr 12, 2004 18:02
For those who were not at Nero, This was complied while at the event, and finished today. It is a Poem about Garrock the mighty Half-Oger
With Hammer, Shield, and Trusty Mace
He Strides forth to defend
The Tavern Sieged by undead horde
Helps Strangers and his friends
With Hammer stout and trusty spell
The battle he doth join
Though fierce the foe and long the fight
He does not turn and run
With Strangers come from far away
The foe is drove away
Into the woods he boldly strides
And finds the Goblin whelps
And in kindness he offers them
A way to save themselves
But they decline to save themselves
And strike and hit his shield
So with his hammer and his mace
Their bodies he did break
He led his friends and Allies too
To a great victory
Then after but a brief Respite
The call went forth again
To save the land from Chaos taint
HE goes with trusty band
With power drawn forth from the egg
His power was restored
To help the Elves to cleanse the land
The earth to help restore
His task complete he doth return
To be called forth again
The earth it opens up anew
To swallow elves and him
Great tree they met and vow to help
A task was set at hand
The elves they drew into themselves
The chaos of the land
And friends and he they take the taint
To ease the elves burden
When task unpleasant was complete
They returned to us all.
On their return they found more taint
Dark, Vile and evil trees.
He joins the fight though weakened from
The task he had performed
Yet the dark trees were conquered swift
By his new band of friends
Then stumbling home they come across
The source of all their blight
Dark wizard fought, and undead knights
To slay our brave hero
A mighty hero he returned
And quickly learned of more
Another deed that needed done
A favor for a dwarf
So with his friends he doth set forth
To search the kobolds lair
A mighty task Descending deep
Into the dwarven tomb
The Axe was won and so was killed
The spoilers of the trees
Back not for long and call goes out
To save poor maiden fair
From band of orcs, deep in the woods
In fortress they hold her
So off he goes with band of friends
And battle it ensues
The fortress stormed Drakes and him
And many other friends
The fight was fierce though in the end
The maiden she was saved
When they returned they sought rest
But that was not to be
For angered orcs they did pour forth
To smite our little town
To draw our blood for what was spilt
With slaying of their kin
So with his friends both old and new
The town he does defend
So with hammer and Shield and mace
Garrock he saved the day.