Aug 19, 2009 18:50
I have been reading a lot lately. I slowly fell out of the habit for a little while, but I have been reading more and more in the last 6 months or so. I missed reading. It's nice.
I delved into the Honor Harrington series, and got through the first three books in a row. They're fun, quick reads. The anticipation of the space battles pulls me through them fast, even though I know it's going to turn out okay for Honor every time. I've told several people that if I had read these when I was in high school, they could very easily have taken over the brain real estate I used for the Star Wars expanded universe novels. As an older reader, I sometimes want to groan at the turns the story takes, but it still sucks me in.
I got partway into The Court of the Air, a steampunk book I picked up in Vermont at the Northshire Book Store. It looked fun, and I thought, after scanning the cover and the insides, that it was a standalone book. This appealed to me after reading so much Honor, but I got about 150 pages in when I looked it up on the internet, and it is a series afterall. At the outset, I liked the world and the feel of it. It promised lots of later secrets to be revealed, and kept the pacing interesting. However, as I go further in, it starts to feel like the author was so wowed by his own world that he got distracted and followed every shiny creation he could come up with. It was cool enough to me that it was steampunk, but then it started to feel like a crazy anime where the world was being revealed at such a fast pace that there would be no internal consistency because I'd never be able to learn the rules. I'm waiting for the walking volcano to show up. This book is on pause for me. I'll get back to it eventually?
Instead I picked up Lament by Maggie Stiefvater, and I loved it. I've had the author on my friends list for a few months now because I like the way she writes about life and writing, but I hadn't read her novels until now. I'll probably pick up her other books pretty quick. I don't generally enjoy faerie stories, especially modern-times ones, but I like her writing style, the feel of the book, and I really liked the main character. I finished it last night when I should have been asleep, but I wanted to know how it ended. Not entirely sure I liked the ending, and I'm still digesting it, but I liked it.
I just started an audiobook version of The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho this afternoon while I was counting cars for work. It has all the solid, inescapable plotting of an old tale. It asks good questions, and it makes my skin crawl just a bit. I want it to end well, but I believe it will end badly.
I'm not sure what to read next. Anyone reading anything good?