Aug 15, 2005 00:10
Summer's pretty much over, and it's definitely been a lot more eventful than last Summer, thankfully. I was really busy with work (full time) church (the place I was when I wasn't working) and friends (new and old.)
Summer started early in May with our makeshift Spring Fling, IE, a day at Clearwater Beach, which was nice in a way, but solidifed my hatred for commercialism. Nothing like taking 2 hours to find a parking spot in the blistering heat to start your day off, no?
Of course, Star Wars Episode 3 came out in May as well, and I was there with 11 other people in our group at midnight to see it. Definitely worth it, may I say.
Jeremy's mom took him and I to Tampa for our Birthday's early, where we went to the Tampa Theater (awesome architecture) and saw a British Film--Layer Cake. The movie was interesting, to say the least, but I was more excited about seeing the historic Tampa Theater, which was simply spectacular.
I offhandedly entered the Floridian Summer Essay Contest for the St. Pete Times, and won 3rd place (see my pervious journal entry [].) It was exciting because my writing was circulated to the entire Tampa Bay area, not just my county or city.
I attended church on my 20th birthday, and in a way, there's not much anywhere else I'd've liked to have been. Granted, it would have been nice to have had my family there, or for someone at church to have known it was my birthday, but, that's all right. I got home around 9, had a small gathering with my family and Jeremy, and opened a few gifts.
Fireworks were cancelled this 4th of July, due to dumb people getting drunk at the mall. The 4th was just another day for me; had to work, too.
I got Jeremy a job at Roadhouse. Everyone really likes him a lot, which is good, and he does a good job. It's nice seeing my friend around more than once a week.
Sometime during early July, I nearly passed out at work from being overworked. I took the next 2 days off, received a wonderful homemade cheesecake from Ashley, and proceeded to play Resident Evil 4 non-stop. It was the first time that I did that (gamed non-stop) in a long time.
Work resumed and the rest of July consisted of taking Lindsey out on her 17th birthday to Panerra and Starbucks--and seeing her awesome pictures from her Europe trip, and randomly hanging out with Jeremy, Courtney, Lindsey, Ralph, and, more recently, Kara, Jenny, and Danielle.
I also got more involved at church over the Summer. I started attending the Tuesday night Men's Meetings, which has been a bit strange at times (interesting people, to say the least,) but has, overall, been a good experience. I also started helping out with High School Ministry, where I work as a counsellor during Thursday night services every other week, and on Wednesdays, where I help out Joey Karl and the gang with the Fine Arts Coalition. I've basically just started getting to know some of the people at church, finally.
Courtney and I were supposed to go to Cirque du Soleil 2 weeks ago, but a problem arose and we ended up going to Magic Kingdom. It was a good, fun trip, with some serious conversation during the car ride.
There were some major issues that came up with a friend not too long ago, regarding a lot of things, and it's good to know that she's A-OK, in the aspect that I was worried about.
A week after the Magic Kingdom trip, we returned to Disney, and this time, after months of planning (due to a promise made by moi at the start of Summer) we were able to see Cirque du Soleil. I spent about 200 clams in total for gas, food, and the tickets. We had some very serious conversations, and although the show ended at 7:30, talked from about 8:30 to 12:45 (am.) Of course, this took place after I got looked down on by the weird guy at Taco Bell and we nearly got into a car wreck--twice.
That's been Summer so far, and it's been good. School starts in a few weeks--my classes are all paid for--and I'll be picking up my books soon. Dad's birthday is on the 20th, and Dad and Crystal's 10-year anniversary is coming up soon. I'll also be heading back to the Tampa Theater with Jeremy and Mom on the 18th to see Bruce Campbell at his directorial debut. It should be fun.
Arg, I'm just getting that "last day of high school" feeling again. I hate having that feeling, sometimes!
*Sigh*, time flows like a river.
And for those of you who don't regularly check my account, you should do so. I have a new entry up (Incubus) which is the start of a BOOK I'M GOING TO WRITE. I could use as much useful input as possible, so if you care enough to read 3 chapters and provide malleable feedback, please do so! Thanks.