008 - Temptation

Aug 27, 2008 18:27

This suspicion was carried upon the seed of the apple which was forbade of him to eat, and proved his fall. There it was buried within his mind. This vile weed found fertile loam within his breast, and was nourished by the black thoughts that plague all men, and sunned by the smiles and sweetness of his lady wife, whose love he could take no comfort in ever after. It fed upon his very heart until its roots were deep and hold steadfast. And it thence bore fruit - the jealousy and avarice that likewise flourish within all his sons.

It is because of this, perhaps, that men with eagerness watch their wives, and paint upon them sins they in truth bear none. Most husbands are naught but dumb dogs, led astray easily by false trails, and quick to bite. What in their minds is likely game is naught but vein suspicion; they snap at shadows.

Say of me what thou wilt, but I provided no temptation that was not already eagerly sought by this, the black barbary dog. He worried upon his Desdemona, and those unseemly thoughts of she and Cassio themselves rutting like dogs, as such a creature would gnaw upon its bone.

So this fruit, then, this ripening jealousy, was taken. Methinks that the Moor art our fair Eve. And if he plays her, does that mean I am to be the player who doth personify the devil? How far my Lord did fall, because of it. At first seeming sweet, this apple mine proved bitter as the last of it was swallowed. And most fatal.

I do oft wonder if the serpent took as much pleasure in the deed.


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