Need to rant

Nov 27, 2014 22:07

There was an issue locally where a school board member during a meeting make a poor joke and it has gone viral. While a part of me is glad that this has been public (joke was to shoot kids with food allergies), the level of hate and vitriol is horrible.

Yes, what she said was tasteless and there should be repercussions---not a virtual outcry demanding public crucifixion.

There should be compassion towards those who have physical and emotional challenges that add to normal daily struggles, not the response of hate, disgust and ignorance spewed so callously.

I read the comments to the various online articles and I can't help but think of the instances of racism, of hate towards those of different beliefs, ways of life, religion, whatever.....Yet....telling a parent to keep your kid home so "my" child can eat a peanut butter sandwich at is that not discrimination?

Honestly, I hate the word discrimination. I don't believe it is wrong to think differently. I hate that people are quick to toss out labels such as: homophobe, racist, bigot, gay-lover, etc.... It is how we act and treat others that is important. You don't have to agree to someone's life style to be kind.

It bothers me that when I try to explain my point of view, confrontational words are thrown at me because the first thing I said was that I didn't agree. That is so wrong....we wouldn't have all the amazing things and abilities around us if someone didn't question, didn't fight against what others thought. And yet there are other times when adhering to the tried and true shows to be the better option. So what if I am old-fashioned? Why does it matter if no one questioned that before?

Sometimes I think people fear staying the same as much as they do change. Both are good and bad in their own ways. But ultimately, as soon as you accuse someone of "________________", you are doing similarly to what you are accusing that person of. Remember....two sides of the same coin.

Ultimately, we have lost our sense of community. In one breath we are telling people to reduce barriers and allow others to have more opportunities than they've ever had before...and in other ways we are repeating past mistakes. It's fine and dandy to be on the soapbox about one issue....then when something else hits a little closer to home, how dare THEY tell you that you need to change.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

rant, food allergies

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