Society of instant everything

Jan 05, 2012 23:27

I love being a part of this generation. Living in a time where information can be found on anything and everything right at our fingertips in a instant. Unfortunately the downside to being a part of such an amazing time that is also breeds a society with an even greater level of laziness. hard is it to type a few words in your search engine toolbar and click a link and read the information you are looking for?


Much more reliable to toss out a question on facebook. Because we know facebook ranks right up there in reliable sources.

Why am I amazed every time something like this happens?

Or when people rave about the latest gadget and how they can't live without it...granted...I love my ipod it fun? Yes. Does it make my life easier? Yes. Could I live without it? Absolutely. So...honestly....I see one more post on how the Keurig has made their life worth living...may result in me calling them out publicly on how stupid I think they are...especially when I see them also posting about how tight money is...etc. $150 for the perfect single cup of coffee....please. And for those of you who think it is a product of the USA...check the box. Corporate headquarters are in the's not manufactured here.

I swear people are taking the "keeping up with the Jones" to a whole new level.
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