Aug 15, 2007 21:22
Thought I would tell ya about my huge blessing I have received that goes back roughly 4 and a half years. This will probably be a long reading.
Not long after I got saved, God gave me some promises. Of course, these promises came with a certain price. Mainly that I had to do some things to get them. I dont remember what all they were but I have them written down. Some weren't so much promises but things that was gonna happen. Like about our cat Tiger who died. God had already told me he was gonna die and how he was gonna die. Basically, God was gonna take Tiger. One day Tiger would be here and the next he would be gone and we would never find the body. Guess what, it happened just like God said. One day Tiger was here and wanted out, never saw him again and never found any sign of him either. God took him to help ease the pain of his death.
Over the course of time, I still prayed over those promises and reminded God of them. He reminded me of what i had to do to get them as well. Finally, I did one of the things to get one of the promises. I was gonna get new teeth.
My teeth looked horrible. I wouldn't smile or anything cause of them. The back 3 on top and bottom on each side basically had no enamel. The others were full of cavities and were weak and chipping away. In short, I was ashamed of how they looked and ashamed because I know it was my fault they got that way. I didn't brush and floss like i should have and i was lactose intolerant. A few other things contributed to the decay of my teeth but those 2 were the main factors. The thing God wanted me to do was to brush my teeth 3 times a day, ever day for 2 months and the brushings had to be at least 4 hours apart. This was much harder than it sounded cause of work and stuff going on. Plus me forgetting that i needed to brush the first time. I finally did it though and was expecting God to do something.
My first thought was at the end, my teeth would be like new. No cavities, no breaks, just healthy white teeth. This is not what God had in mind though. Over the 4 1/2 years, God showed me that i wouldn't take care of them even though I thought I would have. After the 2 months, I was disappointed that God didn't do his part but Steph told me something that changed my thinking and allowed God to do his part. That was "Dont limit God on how he will do something." I was limiting God cause I wanted it done one way and He wanted it done another. I did lose hope at first but slowly rebuilt it as I thought about what Steph had said. Yes, this torture will be over soon.
Now we skip all this time to get to a certain part where God blessed a couple people who wanted to help me out as well. In February, I had 12 teeth pulled. This would be the start. I didn't have the money to get this done or the next step but these people helped. 2 weeks and 2 days ago, the next step happened. I went and got rid of the other 20 teeth and had dentures put in. God held onto his word and gave me new teeth. Teeth that are easier to care for and have a ton of other benefits with it over my real teeth. One benefit is that my sinuses are so much better now. Another is I can finally smile and show my teeth and not worry about how bad they look. I've gotten several compliments and overall I feel better. Mouth is still sore but that will change. Thought I would share this with ya.
Remember, if God says he will do it, He will do it. Just dont limit him to what he can do and when. He has his own way and his own time.
Now to find my future wife, as soon as he sends her.
That's the gist of my blessing. Hope you liked the reading. Remember me in your prayers for my mouth, my cousin cause he's having some major problems with pain, and Guy. Not sure what's going on with Guy but he's in Virginia right now so keep him in your prayers. Have a great day and always praying for you.
Thought for the day. seen this in an ad for Halo 3 but it speaks a ton by itself.
"A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him."
Sadly, my hero is cursed and blasphemed and if you believe in him, the world doesn't like you and calls you many things.