Jan 05, 2012 13:37
Form 1: M157
The lights are all so very bright. But they're bright everyday this mind remembers. At least this facsimile of a mind. I rise, sitting up and evaluating my surroundings only to find that I am in the familiar recharging chamber where I rest every night. I reacquaint myself with the circuitry in my body. The wires, the electricity that flows through me and allows all of my parts to function. Even though sometimes a repair is definitely needed. But they have mechanics for that. Today, I am feel rather functional, no pieces hanging, no stretches of "skin" ripped. It is troublesome to have that happen..especially when it occurs to the point where that energy starts flowing out. I can get that back. Just not directly so it affects how well I can carry myself throughout the day. I suppose I hadn't told you who I am yet. I go by M157, an android of the line designed to most resemble humans. And yet we don't have human names. So M157 it is. My surface is somehow silicon and metallic, my insides are circuitry. There are motherboards and microchips and all kinds of functions involved. Making one of my kind is a rather complicated process after all. Gathering the materials isn't necessarily difficult. Deciding what we'll look like is a whole another matter. That is what I've heard from the constructors. We have to be programmed to function in such a variety of ways that it takes significant time to even have some sort of what we act like. And then the constructors must observe what "human" traits that want to instill in us. A personality..though it still seems rather mechanical to me, that's what I've gotten from my interactions with humans. We will never feel the full range of the human experience ..that is what I suspect. It is simply too varied for a non-organic creation to have. Though we can be self-aware that is obviously at this point. Though I can't help but wonder, do the humans expect some sort of revolution or something? Is that why they are so careful to build a egalitarian and symbiotic society? I mean, from research, there seems to be an awful lot of movies in the past about machines revolting against their human creators. Pity really, it doesn't seem like they have much faith in us machines. Though I suppose a lot of them don't have much faith in humans either. They've learned to fix each other, to program each other, to create more of us on their own. So as I contact you, there are humanoids, androids, robots and other machines who have no kind of human interaction involved in their creation. It just seems rather odd just thinking about that. Though I really can't say that it's unusual is it. After all, there was very little human interaction in my creation. So I'm told. I'm opted to believe them, for the moment. I can survive with or without them, but I live diversity in my world, thus I think it's good to have them around. Other machines can be so droll from time to time.
Having blathered enough without evening leaving the recharge chamber, I finally bother to detach myself from the cord that holds me within. I exit the chamber and put on the shields for the day. They resemble human clothing, something I must admit is interesting even if the humanoids always joke about androids being a little too close to the genuine article. Heh, if I were really human, I couldn't do nearly as many dangerous activities including independent flight that I currently undertake as android. Speaking of flight, I think that's what I'll do today. I look at my to-do list that I organize the previous night and see that I have no particular jobs for the day. I work from time to time, it's not very necessarily for me at the least. In that way, I'm certain that I'm privileged as I know quite a few machines who take up positions assisting the humans or performing services for the humans, even working right beside the humans..at least to sully the human fear of being replaced by the machines. Because everyone knows that fear is underlying in most humans. It's just very easily detectable. But enough with this, I need to get on my flight. I know other androids prefer to use hovercrafts or jetpack attachments when they take to the air. However, I'm not in a rush to get anywhere and just want to drift through the sky and thus, I select my wings. Yes I have wings..attachments anyways. They're lovely and just the right material to be graceful and supportive of the synthetic body. I fit them right int the slits provided for such outfitting and open my window. From there, I jump while the attachments open wide and spread there individual frameworks allowing me to settle into a graceful glide. I immediately start lifting to a higher elevation, which would allow me to get a greater vision of this city in which I reside. The buildings fold into each other distinct in their construction. Everything seems to be moving even when they are still. I glide over the population, a truly intriguing site to see all these beings, at work, at play, in peace, in distress. A very busy place..it's really my home. This "future" is my current and I love it. There's danger and adventure in every hidden place. The alleys lead to ever more mysteries. I could never hope to understand all of such a society where I reside, but this city..I can be in tune with it and it in tune with my system. I think I'll spend the day out here.So much to see. bright lights everywhere. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
traveler series