Aug 08, 2011 16:49
A young man sat quietly in the front row of his classroom. It had been half an hour since class let out but he was still there just sitting, as if there was something he expected to happen. The teacher had departed and the remaining students who were socializing before leaving had also gone, leaving him completely alone. He leaned back and looked out the window. He didn't really have a reason for not going back to the dorms right now.It's not like there weren't things that he could be doing there. Not including homework for he had completed his assignments for the day during his lunch hour. Sure he could have spent that time talking to his best friend...well his only close friend to be quite honest. Known for only his intelligence and his skill with technology, the young man would only be approached if someone needed help with homework or something with their laptops. Used to proceeding this way, he managed to at least subdue if not outright suppress the loneliness and melancholy that accompanied this inadvertent isolation. He had been part of a group before but he had been used for his skills as he was now in addition to being threatened on a usual basis.Not really healthy at all for him, though he must admit that he might not be doing the right thing not telling anyone how he felt. Not even his best friend, who seemed to be busy with another friend of his. The young man would never admit in addition to his feelings about the situation socially, that he may have some kind of feelings for his best friend's new friend. He had no idea how close they were and to be frank he was a little intimidated by the tall, stoic youth.At the same time, he looked down at the floor while thinking about how simultaneously he felt both attraction and intimidation to this youth that would probably never acknowledge him nevermind reciprocate the attraction. This was what the young man did when he stayed after class, he went through the thoughts that he would never, could never reveal to anyone. What were the chances that anyone would listen? And before the thought the best friend arises, he finds himself upset that he's been telling his friend less and less since the other had been busy. He could always tell his friend and the friend would probably reassure him of the same. However, there was something inside him that made him reluctant to tell his best friend. He didn't want to be a bother, he wouldn't try to be a downer. So he leaves the thoughts on the inside, picks up his belongings-feeling and looking rather drained and finally headed back to the dorms.What he would do there would be anyone's guess, but the young man reckoned that it wouldn't be too productive to say the least.