Dec 12, 2007 18:20
No, I'm not dead, but I might as well be.
Work has somehow consumed my life, aside from the weekends. I leave the house at 6am, and don't get home until 6-7pm. I'm in training (did I mention that my trainer was a drill sargent for the past 27 years?!) until the end of the month, but when I'm done I'll be listening to people yell at me for 8 hours a day. Plus, I can only check my email at lunch, and Myspace/Facebook/Livejournal are all blocked. Once I get home, I'm so exhausted that I don't want to do anything except sit down, eat, and possibly watch a movie. I really REALLY hate how boring my existence has become. Oh well, I just have to keep telling myself that this is only for a few months. However, I am starting to form some good relationships with my coworkers, so its not all bad. The fact that I don't get paid until the 26th, on the other hand, is not so cool.