well, i took another break again. first thing's first: i had to reformat my hard drive. that's right, i had to completely erase it. why? cause it was screwing up even more than usual, so i decided to get rid of any virii i might have picked up. next, i got another website........sorta.
http://batman684.deviantart.com it's a site where artists can upload their works. anyone who knows me would also know that i can't draw or make art. but i decided to try just to see what i can do. i mean, i already pulled out a 14 chapter story, and writing is my worst subject. so far, i only got one picture up, and i think it's pretty good for only taking about 5 minutes to make. makes a cool wallpaper, too. let's see.........nothin much else. ja ne
Wiggle your big toe.