(no subject)

Jun 07, 2006 17:15

For fuck's sake . . .

Live Journal communities piss me the hell off. Everyone is so fucking elitist.

Pretty soon, I'll be quitting Live Journal indefinitely. People suck.

Addendum to this, because my journal has woefully been linked from that horrific community:

Don't flatter yourselves. This isn't some overly dramatic mini-series that my crazy creative mind has concocted. I simply feel that while some online communities have been remarkably interesting and entertaining (see imnosuperman and abstractthought, others (yours, for instance) have been sucked so far into a world of themselves that they cannot see past their own noses to other human beings.

Any such decisions to leave LJ would simply be to quit posting. I've had many great entries and wouldn't go so far as to delete my LJ entirely (hello - 897 entries?). I'm thinking of investing in a name-change token, but that seems a bit far to go. LJ in and of itself has begun to seem a bit juvenile and has carried the concept of "journaling" so far over the line that it can no longer call itself journaling at all. Journaling is a private search for one's self through the external action of writing. Publicizing such intimate thoughts just seem to trivialize and cheapen them. It becomes all about popularity and who can get the most attention.

The internet shouldn't matter as much as it does to some people. Granted, I've met some very fascinating people through the use of LJ and other internet sources, but I'm convinced they are the exception. Everyone is an asshole to someone else and about 99.8% of the planet is an asshole to me - this makes me believe that 99.8% of the populous believes I'm an asshole, but so be it. I won't even meet most of them. If .2% of the world can tolerate me and I can only tolerate .2% of it, that's pretty decent odds, in my opinion. It just comes down to carefully choosing where to place myself and then I will never come in contact with most of that 99.8%.

That said, I would strongly discourage you "random" readers of my journal to - ahem - NOT read it. Every few months I revert to "friends only" and whoo - might have to do that again. I find myself wondering why you would even bother to read my personal journal at all unless something I wrote made you so damn curious that you just HAD to seek me out. Additionally, how fucking cowardly can you get if you choose to anonymously comment? By the way, I have IP trackers and I do indeed know who you are. Internet trolling is extremely rude, not to mention petty and immature.

Fun, no? This is seriously some 13-year-old type of tricks being pulled.
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