25/101 DONE
YAYYYYY. Modified some art ones. 'Cause art SUCKS. (Suckles. Hah.)
001. Get a job.
002. Get an average of 80% in grade twelve.
003. Get a piercing.
004. Get a tattoo.
005. Start/maintain a steady eating routine.
006. Get over fear of having people behind back.
007. Be accepted into university.
008. Learn to play guitar.
009. Go horseback riding.
010. Make a commitment.
011. Learn German.
012. Relearn Spanish.
013. Participate in Relay For Life.
014. Participate in 30-hour Famine.
015. Stop saying 'that's retarded'.
016. Stop saying 'that's gay'.
017. Do something overnight with friends of both genders.
018. Try a strawberry colada with alcohol.
019. Write a good work of over 50,000 words.
020. Participate in NaNoWriMo every November.
021. Learn to say 'I'm doing well' instead of 'I'm doing good'.
022. Do some form of public speaking every six months.
023. Go clubbing.
024. Go to more than one dance every year.
025. Get G2.
026. Become more tolerant of sister.
027. Read all the required reading for one course.
028. Make a major move towards independance.
029. Learn sign language.
030. Take a course in psychology/anthropology.
031. Buy/wear clothes that fit.
032. Buy a new bra and alternate between two.
033. Go down to the falls on August 25th at 3:00 am.
034. Go to papa's grave in La Patrie on August 25th.
035. Get my cousins' e-mails and contact them at least once a month.
036. Visit either Edmonton, San Antonio or Winnipeg.
037. Go to another city with friends.
038. Go downtown with friends at least once a month.
039. Arrange to spend some time with most close friends every month.
040. Keep a record of common trends of synaesthesia.
041. Go out with friends to a nice restaurant once a year.
042. Learn how to manage large amounts of money.
043. Stop being so dependant on mother for money.
044. Host a party.
045. Not to have more than two cans (700 mL) of Coca Cola in one day.
046. Become a regular volunteer.
047. Go on a date in downtown Ottawa near the canal.
048. Finish Anna Karenina.
049. Be girly enough to receive flowers.
050. Feel incredibly sexy at least once a month. (10/05 done)
051. Decorate/paint walls of room.
052. Buy a guitar.
053. Make a scrapbook representing/about high school.
054. Go to a concert.
055. Try beer.
056. Learn to read sheet music for guitar.
057. Learn to cook at least 10 new things.
058. Acquire 50 new songs.
059. Read 50 new books.
060. Make a cookbook of favourite/handy/necessary recipes.
061. Go to the doctor for a physical.
062. Learn to sew.
063. Learn to silkscreen.
064. Learn to read tabbed music.
065. Write three poems a week.
066. Buy a new pair of shoes every year. (2005 done)
067. Study for every test in at least one course.
068. Sing in front of friends.
069. Complete one major artwork a month.
070. Spend at least three hours on schoolwork a week.
071. Get at least a 6 4 in IB art.
072. Get at least 32 diploma points in IB.
073. Get a Silver Award (90% average) one year.
074. Get at least a 4 in ToK.
075. Get at least a 5 in ITGS.
076. Get at least a 4 in SL math.
077. Organize a group for a charitable activity.
078. Find out exactly how one becomes a guidance counselor at a Canadian high school.
079. Keep corneas intact.
080. Stop using kids' toothpaste.
081. Regain trust in adult females.
082. Stop calling ex-boyfriend "Benny".
083. Learn how to use camera artistically.
084. Learn to appreciate photography.
085. Make at least 10 2 artworks using at least 2 unconventional materials.
086. Lose fear of strangers.
087. Go downtown at least once a week.
088. Arrange to shadow a teacher during Honours B.A.
089. Take a history course.
090. Figure out second teachable subject.
091. Join a sports team/club/group as an extracurricular activity.
092. Develop study habits.
093. Go back to elementary school for a visit.
094. Buy a semi-casual dress.
095. Wear said dress over jeans.
096. Wear said dress without jeans yet not to a semi-formal event.
097. Buy a pair of boots.
098. Wear said boots to school without feeling ashamed.
099. Ask someone out.
100. Go on a dinner date to a nice restaurant.
101. Go on a double date.