Going through and updating the points I had, plus changing those that are completely irrelevant.
1. I am gay. I don't find men attractive. In fact, thinking about men in a sexual manner turns me off. I guess I should have realized this sooner, but I really wanted to believe that I was bisexual, that I could fall for anybody who fell for me and live happily ever after. But after trying and trying and being with a really sweet guy... it just wasn't happening. You can only lie there and take it/fake it so much before you realize that it doesn't have to be this way.
2. I have been diagnosed with "chronic dysthimia" and am currently taking 100mg of Zoloft daily to help with this. So far, it has really helped me and I am very grateful I got help.
3. I have been depressed on/off since I was twelveish. I'm fairly certain there is a hereditary cause to this, due to the actions of family on my father's side. I have it, it does not have me.
4. Sometimes when I hear the phone ring or a knock on the door at my mom's, I still hope it's my dad. I still dream about him too.
5. I hate crying in front of other people. I hate it when it chokes up my voice and makes it hard to get my point across.
6. I've become much more passive since high school. I don't get angry nearly as easily, if at all.
7. My ideal relationship is someone who I will want to share the world with, but who will not necessarily be my world. I want to welcome them into my daily life and share it with them, but also extend beyond what we share.
8. I dislike talking about my issues with most people unless I'm on the brink of solving them. Then I talk to as many people as possible to motivate myself to do it.
9. I am not so afraid of commitment as I once was. I mean, I'm still not a white picket fence kind of girl, but I can see a lifetime partner situation. I can see myself wanting that security.
10. I hold on very strongly to my identiy as a French Canadian. Even though my French has slipped and I have never lived in Quebec, I still get upset when people speak badly about bilingualism and don't think it is necessary in contemporary Canada.
11. I find myself reconsidering a lot of things in the past due to my current perspective. I think this is normal for everyone. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. However, it still can be unsettling.
12. I'm way more comfortable being a tomboy/soft butch than feminine. I bought a bunch of skirts because the boys I dated liked me to wear them but, well, I never wore them when I was away from them.
13. I think Ellen DeGeneres is awesome and kind of want to be like her later on. She seems so... secure in herself and loving and the way she looks at Portia makes my heart melt.
14. I am very interested by the concept of polyamory and fully loving triads, but I remain a skeptic that this would work for myself or people I know. Not that I'm jealous, I just think that much social interaction would drive me nuts.
15. I'm a total introvert. I spend 6/7 or more nights a week at home, hiding in my room, only barely interacting with my cat.
16. I have a secret love of fashion design. I wish I had an unlimited budget and people to wear clothes I made, because butchy clothing doesn't have the variety I would like to include in a hypothetical collection. (Nevermind the fact that I cannot sew!)
17. If I were to get a tattoo, it would involve the silhouette of a lion and the silhouette of a hawk, representing my parents. The lion would have some kind of dark blue effect to it, symbolizing my father's struggle with depression, and the hawk would have some kind of pink eating into it, symbolizing my mother's struggle with breast cancer. It would be small and on my shoulder blade. I have thought about this since my father passed away, but still don't have the conviction to get it done.
18. I may not watch hockey religiously, but at least I understand it! (Unlike football. Hah. Football.)
19. I am allergic to nickel. Seems minor, right? Did you know nickel is the most common alloy in just about everything? Especially cheap jewellry? No pretty cheap things for me.
20. I still call myself "Mes" in my internal monologue. Whenever I'm trying to get myself to toughen up, especially.
21. I kind of see "Mes" as this tougher bitchier butchier version of myself. Like, "Mes" isn't afraid to tell people to fuck off or to smarten up, whereas "Shanie" is much more timid and likely to let people walk all over her.
22. And yes I do miss being "Mes" on WoW.
23. I have a scar on each of my thumbs on the last joint... and no idea where they came from.
24. I have very mild synaesthesia. I often remember number or letter patterns by colour and it gives me a bit of a hard time with math as I'll clump variables together or swap back and forth. It's akin to dyslexia, so I've just been calling myself number dyslexic.
25. I love the small physical gestures people make when they're attracted to each other. A hand on the arm or around the waist, the googly eyes... it makes me smile.
26. I really don't like clubbing or bar-hopping.
27. Which may be due to the fact that my SSRIs interact badly with alcohol, or just due to the fact that I hate drunks.
28. IB Art screwed up my artistic flow something fierce. The amount of intense criticism plus lack of direction on the part of myself and the teachers just turned into a swirling vortex of suck. I've only recently begun to draw again, and even then I'm often too critical of myself.
29. And despite the praise I received in Grade 12 creative writing, I basically haven't written since then either.
30. I do still fantasize about writing novels some day in the future, though. I don't know who would publish my drivel, but that's why they're fantasies right?
31. Doing a degree in Psychology totally made me lose all respect for psychologists (except for those in the cognitive behavioural field, and those are the minority).
32. I do like the brain though. Zap zap, the neuron says.
33. I'm glad I finally went back to my roots of becoming a vet. It just feels... right. And even though I may end up in the least paid sector (zoology), I hope that I will love my job.
34. I dislike that being a lesbian has made me so much more focused on women's rights, feminist movements... and women in general. I feel like it's much harder to relate to men now that I've admitted this to myself, which is supremely silly.
35. Eye-flirting with a girl makes me 10x more excited/happy than having sex with any guy ever did. Um, oops?
36. I really hate socks.
37. And slippers.
38. No, seriously, it'll be -40 out and I'll be wearing a big ole hoodie and a toque indoors but I'll still be barefoot.
39. And I still overheat if someone tries to warm my cold hands - it's my thermoregulation!
40. I find it very hard to maintain casual friendships.
41. I also find it hard to tolerate the petty spats that were so common in high school. I know others have moved on since then, but it's still my lasting impression.
42. I prefer lower voices to higher voices. It's just more soothing.
43. I want to travel, but more with a "hub" to go home to. Like I need to go home to "recharge" before going out in the world again. I can see this hub being as simple as a camp in the wilderness while I do my research nearby, or a loft in a European city while I explore the areas nearby.
44. Travelling alone would make me exceptionally lonely. I am much more likely to want to go around the world with my partner in crime.
45. I really enjoy the thought of not having to be on birth control anymore. Protection, okay, but hooray no more pill + papranoia.
46. I have actually developed a semblance of study habits since I arrived at university. They were stronger in first year, to be honest, but they're still strong enough to help me pass.
47. I have made a lot of mistakes over the past few years, particularly on the relationship front, but I like to see them as a chance to learn and improve.
48. I really should've watched more lesbian-themed movies. I may have realized this wasn't normal much sooner.
49. I really like wearing tank tops. I guess they're the female equivalent of a wife-beater. So comfy. I wear them underneath all my long-sleeved shirts and hoodies.
50. By the way this list is really hard to write up while watching But I'm A Cheerleader. (Especially with the cheerleading outfits.)
51. I am still working on cutting down on my swearing.
52. My cat may have saved my life. I was really depressed before I got him, but he gave me a reason to get up in the mornings.
53. I am a total sucker for lesbian love stories. Like, infinitely more than straight love stories. Another sign?
54. Despite all indications to the contrary, I really don't take myself that seriously.
55. I still find languages fascinating, especially their formation and the way Tolkien created an almost entirely functional syntax.
56. Same with phonetic changes and the history of place names (such as York).
57. I really look forward to the future. I mean, right now is fairly boring, but that's mainly by virtue of being a student stuck in this transitionary stage. I totally expect things to get more interesting later on.
58. Though I do wish they were more interesting now.
59. I think blazers, t-shirts, jeans and high heels are damn sexy.
60. Despite knowing how horribly most of these turn out, I still wish I had a whirlwind romance typical of movies and teenagers.
61. I feel like I missed out on that by growing up too quickly in high school. Now that I'm moved out, I don't have to be a second parent anymore. (So I've... grown... younger.)
62. I am so so so thankful I don't live in the U.S.. No offence, Americans, but your country is fucked up.
63. I love volunteering at the Humane Society. The kittens are so cute!
64. I can still come across as the same annoying kid I was in grade six. This is not necessarily a source of shame for me, as I would much prefer being excited and talkative over being withdrawn and sad.
65. I love my imagination. Now that I'm taking SSRIs, my head is a much nicer place to be.
66. I like to design fancy jackets and clothing. Especially for my fictional characters because they can wear funkier clothing.
67. PHP is a hell of a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Which I sort of do.
68. I finally stopped sleeping with lots of stuffed animals when I moved out last February. I actually only moved one of my stuffed animals this time. My kitten sleeps on my feet not in my arms.
69. I have more nicknames for my kitten than I have ever had for any significant other.
70. I have become less and less of a dog person over the past few years. I mean, my cat plays fetch. He purrs. He cuddles. He pees and poops in a box. He sweeps up his litter and his food crumbs. He's clean. Why the hell should I get a dog? I mean, I'm pretty sure the cat would go for walks if I let him!
71. Budgies and finches are the most annoying animals known to man. Please adopt them!
72. I really enjoyed my third year of university. I don't know if it's because I felt like I was going somewhere or because I finally kicked myself in the butt (unlikely, due to my low marks) or the anti-depressants but it was significantly more fun!
73. I may not be proud of everything I have done or am doing, but I am quite content with who I am. So long as I am honest with myself, that is usually the case.
74. I firmly believe that we always see the differences before the similarities. Look at race, gender, sexuality.
75. I find the 'womyn' concept to be slightly silly, simply because we are the same species. I mean, okay, we say 'lioness' for female lions, but for the vast majority it's the same damn word. Imagine if someone suddenly demanded we call them lyonesses because they're so different! (I don't mind the feminism behind it, just don't expect me to bastardize the spelling anytime soon!)
76. I find it hard to be a lesbian and not be a feminist.
77. I really like post-its.
78. I own way more sketchbooks than I should. I also found that half of my last IB Art one was empty! Jackpot!
79. I really like documentaries. About politics, animals, nature, science... heck, I even watch those about history, archaeology and religion!
80. Oh yeah btw I'm an atheist. What's that doing this far down?
81. My mom has cancer. It's in her bones. She's going to have it until she dies. She has run out of drugs to try so she's taking the same drugs she took 10 years ago. But she's still fighting.
82. When my mom told me she was sick again and had to change her will because our aunt/uncle are moving, I asked her what to do with her 'fourth child' (her Harley). I do my best to make her smile or laugh whenever I can.
83. I love to cook at home. It baffles me when people eat out all the time.
84. I like a lot of music. I tend to avoid the extremes of all genres, but the happy pop/mainstream sounding stuff (I do like indie music too, don't get me wrong, but not the heavy rap/metal/country etc stuff).
85. I feel like such a terrible lesbian but I'm not that fond of Tegan & Sara. Awesome girls, but they're too dykey for me to think they're so hot (I'd like to wear their clothing though!) and their music is a bit too soft. I still listen to some of their music though!
86. Leisha Hailey is really pretty. I identified with her character a lot in The L Word (the only bisexual, as well as a cute/funny writer) and her band actually has some pretty decent music out there!
87. I really like the novel 1984. I cried when I read the end. Yeah, cliché, but there you have it.
88. I love dinosaurs. So much.
89. I am following way too many people on deviantART. I like to call it part of my "input output theory", which is basically "if I look at lots of art, I will make lots of art". So far it's not working too crazily well. I feel inspired but nothing gets on paper.
90. I really miss playing World of Warcraft. I miss having a consistent semi-social hobby that involved killing monsters and being a badass. That said, I doubt I will resubscribe. The game itself holds no appeal with me, particularly without Shank, Days, Mooty and Sar.
91. I tend to let relationships last longer than they should, reaching a slow death. Or, at least, on my end. I'm not sure if this is due to cowardice or lack of desire to be single or what, but I could have worse policies.
92. My name means "wonderous noise" in an African dialect, I think it's Swahili.
93. No Shanie is not short for anything. It's an Anglicized version of 'Shani'.
94. I am still reading Wheel of TIme despite it being the longest series known to man and having such boring spots throughout. At this point I have to finish it because I'm so close to the end but PLEASE let it be done soon! (Robert Jordan is still a plot genius though.)
95. I really find worldbuilding to be absolutely fascinating.
96. And fantasy literary criticisms are like a list of "things not to do" for me. I devour them. And then tell myself I'll write an awesome novel. And then read more of them.
97. Socialized health care is absolutely awesome. I don't think I could live anywhere too selfish to have a socialized health care system. Help our fellow humans, I say.
98. I have yet to sell any of my university textbooks. They are knowledge. Large, heavy, pageholding bricks of knowledge.
99. I still don't like to drink alcohol. Except for vodka, cause I can't taste that.
100. I dislike wearing rings.
I'd forgotten how hard these things were to write! Oh well, it's fairly more current now.