My Cat & Tonight's television

Apr 25, 2008 00:33

So, just about the time that my wrist stopped trying to kill me, my cat stays out all day long and when he comes in he's limping. It's been a couple of days now, and I think I'm going to have to take him to the vet tomorrow. Poor old Rover has had a tough life. He is the cat of mine that was attacked by two pit bulls a few years back. He's a survivor though, and just the sweetest guy I know. He's still acting happy, and despite my mother's panic that he'll be hurt by something, he's moving around really pretty well. When he's not in a hurry, he limps along really slowly, and he's got a little trouble with long jumps (up or down), but when he thinks someone is putting fresh food in the cat dish or something he can still move like lightning. So, off to the vets tomorrow to see if there's anything that can actually be done for him, or if it's just wait it out and hope he gets better.

Now, on to the subject of television tonight. Really and truly there is nothing of any real substance beneath either cut. If I wasn't going to talk about a few specific incidents in each show, I wouldn't even bother with the cuts. It's awful really, I used to worship and adore both of these shows. Now, I just adore Nick (and really couldn't much care about the rest of them) and can't even really say that I like WaT. It's kind of sad that I keep watching them anyway.

CSI, 8x14, Drops Out
Written by Allen MacDonald and Dustin Lee Abraham

Okay, so maybe it's a little harsh to say that Nick is the only one I care about. I still have little moments of love for Warrick and Grissom, and I kind of adore Brass. I'm even starting to enjoy Greg again. That said, I just couldn't find anything to get really excited about in this episode.

I found the plot to be a little too easy, especially given the weirdness of it. I expect to not be able to easily connect the dots when we get a series of murders that are related like these were. It was all just a little too pat. Also, someone seriously should have realized that something was going on when Drops was talking to Sherry. He was so very clearly writing something on the card, and there was no reason for that. Nice touch to set them up by legitimately getting food at that time.

Really though, the whole team seemed pretty superfluous. This was Nick and Brass's show. Brass was great, cynical and sarcastic and more than a little resigned to the way things are. It's such a great contrast to Nick, who despite all of the horror that has happened to him over the last eight years always seems to be hopeful and in love with life and the world. He just makes me want to hug him. This is perfectly illustrated by the very end of the episode. Nick tells Drops that the money technically belongs to Dana and the baby. Drops says its one good thing he's done with his life. Nick tells him that his life isn't over yet. It's like he really believes that this guy who has been implicated in some major crimes before, who has conned his way out of jail right now, and who just a few short hours earlier escaped custody can change. He can be someone different, someone good. Makes me all squishy.

Which brings me to the thing that disturbs me, and I would say it's the thing about the episode, but really it's the thing about my head that disturbs me. I tend to have a character in every fandom who I'll pair with just about anyone. In Buffy it's Spike (who seriously can be paired up with almost any other character in the series, male or female and I'll be happy). In SGA it's Rodney. Well, in CSI it's Nick. I used to be a lot more diverse in my tastes for this fandom but when Greg lost his personality I really focused in on Nick. But I've never really had any urge to see him with minor characters (especially not ones that are morally grey or worse) and I've absolutely avoided even the slightest hint that Brass should be shipped with anyone. I'm not even going to try to fight the Drops thing. If I could write for crap in this fandom I'd already have the "when he gets out," fic half written. But my brain is going to explode over the idea of Nick and Brass. There's the one side of my brain that's just going, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW," but it's being drowned out by the other side which is saying, "But they had so much chemistry together." That second voice will probably ultimately win the battle. After all it won the battle for Slash in general years ago. More than a few things that used to make me want to scrub out my skull with steel wool have slipped over into the really very very good column since then. Even my long held onto incest squick finally keeled over and died. It wasn't even Heroes that did it (though objectively, Peter and Nathan seriously have better chemistry together than either one has with their SOs, but Nathan's chemistry with Nikki might come close). Nope, it was Dirty Sexy Money. In all fairness, when the show started I didn't know they were brothers. They didn't even know they were brothers. I shipped them from their very first second of shared screen time and a little thing like common DNA can't make me drop them. If anything it adds an additional layer of angst to the already pretty fucked up aspect of their relationship that I enjoy so much. God help me, but the fact that they're brothers makes the ship better. So yeah, I might as well give in now that evil and subversive little part of my brain always wins in the end anyway.

Without a Trace, 6x16, Deja Vu
Written by David Amann and Byron Balasco

I seriously loved this show when it came out. I'm a huge fan of Anthony LaPaglia and Eric Close and quickly became a fan of Enrique Murciano. I don't know what's happened to it in the last year or really more like two, but I want it to stop. I want my show back. I want Danny flirting with everything that moves, including Martin. I want Vivian being the voice of reason and reminding us all that she's a mother not just with words, but actions. I want my Martin that's just thrilled to have found someplace where he fits, whether it's what his powerful family wants for him or not. And most importantly, I want my Jack back. I want a Jack who is smart and capable and who pretty much lives in the grey area, but always has a damned good reason for ignoring protocol. Actually, Sam is the only one that I like at all right now, which is kind of pathetic.

So, the actual plot of this episode bored the crap out of me which left me free to notice the 7 million things that were just not right about the episode. First, did Martin seriously park his car so that it blocked the handicapped space at a rehab center? Come on, that is just not even right. And most of the rest of it revolves around Jack. First let's deal with his "escape" from the hospital. I can tell you that there is just about zero chance that in any hospital in the country, a little paper cup with a bunch of pills in it would just be left in the room like that, especially given the strong implication of the episode that they were narcotics. Beyond that, why weren't there alarms on the monitors in the room going off when he rips all the leads off. Also, that should also alert someone at the tylemetry station which should get a whole host of people in that room prepared to deal with cardiac arrest. Though I'm not entirely sure why he was hooked to a heart monitor anyway.

And then, why oh why is he so damned stupid. I know that Sam kind of blew him off, initially, but seriously. If he had told her what that recording said, that it cut off in the middle, and that he hadn't been able to reach her since. She would have done something. But he essentially tells her not to worry about it. Because it makes so much more sense to leave the hospital AMA and then stumble around the streets of New York, threatening people who could seriously probably break you like a twig right now given your fragile state. Then let's stumble away, after you've called for back-up and told them where you are. It makes perfect sense to not be there anymore and not tell anyone where you're going. And really, is it any wonder that nobody was interested in talking to him. He looked like a drug addict who'd had a rough few weeks.

And I think that will be enough ranting about this show for one week.

In other news, the day sucked in baseball. My Cubs lost. Mom's Yankees lost. The closest thing we have to a hometown team, The Royals, lost not once but twice. And of course, the icing on the cake was the freaking Cardinals win. Grrrrr.

baseball, fandom: csi, fandom: without a trace, real life

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