Just a quick update

Nov 12, 2014 11:53

I'm still waiting on an appointment at KU Med center. I know that it will be no later than December 9th, but I could get in earlier. Definitely no surgery prior to Dec. 9 though, because if I do get in earlier, it will be to see an oncologist, but not a surgeon.

I've been back at work a few days. It's going well. My boss is great, and so are my co-workers on grave. I hope I can keep it up.

I'm dealing pretty well with the cancer diagnosis itself. It's still huge and scary, and I have my moments, but mostly I'm okay. It's been others stuff that's getting to me. I'm so worried about money. I'm worried about who is going to take care of my Mom when I can't (and not the idea that I could die, but just, when I have surgery I'm not going to be able to help her out like I have been). And the loss of my fertility has been unexpectedly hard, mostly because it was something I thought I had come to terms with years ago. Between my age and lack of relationship, and a maternal family history that includes a lot of miscarriages, and seriously premature births from women who were a lot younger than me, I didn't really think I'd be having children. But some little part of me was apparently holding out hope, and now that hope is dead and I'm having some trouble with that.

I'll keep everyone updated here as much as I can. Know that your thoughts and prayers really do help.

This entry was originally posted at http://delwyn-cole.dreamwidth.org/109157.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

cancer, infertility, real life

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