When exactly did I stop saying "jizz" as much as I once did? I don't know when this happened. I know most of the people who will read this were glad when the word tapered out of my vocabulary. I'm betting it was discussed amongst you: one of you realized the word wasn't popping onto your screen -- bbbrrring! -- ad nauseam and brought your light bulb to the others in our group. None of you mentioned to me that you noticed for fear the word would come creeping back in. ...And now it's gone.
I'm not really JIZZ "Alexis" McJIZZington anymore. Chris, I need a new "name" for LiveJournal.
I'm also taking that lesbian pudding quote out of my userinfo. What the hell was I thinking wasting an awesome "dream" like that on Te, anyway? Shoulda told it to
shamroq or something.