Dec 31, 2004 23:08
And so it starts again...i hate ALL guys, their ALL the same and i can't trust any of them. Its partcially my fault for like letting myself fall for them in the first place,but i always think this one will be different and they never are. and scott is no different. and is it right for me to get mad when i hear about him being with his ex girlfriend on some couch iat 4 am in the morning , and hes all over her, yeah, hed be ripshit if i did nethign relatively close. and now that i broke up with him, hes gonna go fuck around with some girl the MINUTE after and i would be willing to bet money on that. I hate him. and hes all like oh kaitlyn why are u breaking up with me i love u, and he doesnt even know wut the fuck hes saying cuz hes drunk off his ass and im drunk too, so i probably wont even remember ne of this tommorow, or why i broke up with him but i am going to regret it. and i miss him already. and hes a fucking asshole. i called sallie and she was downtown and she said he was all on some bitch so i called terrences cell and of course hes fucked up and scott, hes a fucking liar. cause he tells me he WONT get drunk tonight and he does, and who knjows what he fuck hes doing. i hate him. i fuckig hate all guys and its not fair that EVERY single time it always ends up the same. and i wont get over him until some other guy comes and lies to me just like all the others did, and ill believe him, and it will all end the same fucking way. its just a huge cycle and i hate it. and im stuck here at this fucking party with these guys hitting on me, with whom i should just hook up with cause scotts a fucking asshole and hes drunk and i know hell hook upwith someone now, so i mine as well go fuck this kid, or take a few more shots, or drinka few more beer/s, or go kill myself.