VE 2007 - Born to Sing

Apr 15, 2007 16:27

Helping to set up / take down the tiers and reflectors in LT 1.
Night practices in LT 1 ♥
Going back to school on Sunday to paint reflectors, even if I only stayed 1 hour heh.
Hanging around the carpentry area yay.

Putting up posters around school at 5pm on Saturday (and screaming in Jblock haha)
Publicity busking in school in the mornings.
Having my scores literally vibrate when the basses boom from behind. xD
Watching the Janger dancers practise! (:

Sectionals in random classrooms <3 Altos Altogether. (:
Altos making fun of Jingzhong. Jingzhong turning very red. HAHAHAHA.
Fooling around with accents (AH SEH TREHS OF GREEHN) in sectionals.
Edging away slowly from neurotic Debbie xD
Sectionaling and sectionaling. And more sectionaling.

Staying back late into the night everyday on the 7th floor for punch. <3
Gen and I screaming like cows cos some random boys appeared out of nowhere in the dark.
Sleeping over at Nikki's house! And emptying her water supply haha.
Going to Bennett's house and cooing at how the RV boys were so cute in their SYF photos HAHAHA.
Laughing at Yikai's Jpoprockstar-ness hahaha.
Talking with Gen Nikki Joelle until 3.30am in the morning <3
Defending the girls' couch with fervour!!
Pillow fight! hahaha. (Or at least, Weisong was fighting and Bennett was just sitting around getting thumped and looking stunned HAHAHA)

Walking around and talking to Quan before concert started. <3 (That was before we realised that the guys were changing in the dark in their room, and we thanked God that we hadn't looked in -.-)
Hugging hugging makeuping :D Huilin doing my hair for me! (thank you huilin!)
Mr Toh talking to us outside the classrooms before concert started.
Hugging. and hugging. and more hugging hahaha.
Changing like mad for punch. "CAT STRIP ME STRIP ME!!"
Camwhoring in the dressing room hahaha.
Holding Lois' trembling hands before the quartet performance.
Yanking the rubbish bin lid off by accident when trying to move the bin to hold the LT door open HAHAHAHAHA.
Standing in the dark, listening to Fringe, and thinking that concert was half over.
Lullaby of Birdlandddd. <3

Post-concert chaos: yelling and hugging and concert gifts :D
Seeing the juniors! And choralfest'04 friends and A01B and seniors and ex-classmates ♥
Stripshow in the dressing room (with juniors watching -.-) AND WEARING MY FBTs THE WRONG WAY ROUND HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Fooling around with Geet and Minsi and Jac and juniors in the dressing room.
Geet: To leave you with a last note... *and proceeds to sing random high note* -.-
Waiting for my Papa to come with Minsi.. and thinking that this is our 5th concert together already. :/

There have been many times in the last few weeks that I've gone home late at night, feeling this swell of affection. It's my I-love-everybody-and-I-could-hug-you-all mood, I think. hahaha.

There's a vase on my table right now. It's full of pretty flowers in red and pink and orange and yellow and purple. <3 Along with little stuffed toys and chocolate and lollipops and dragonfruit and phallic-looking mushrooms. HAHAHAHAHA.

So yeah, I just wanted to say Thank you RGSchoir for coming down yesterday! (and descending upon us like a cloud of flailing, screaming monkeys xD) I love you pretties! Felt really happy to see you all again, and I really miss you all. >< Thank you for all your gifts and flowers. I hope you are all doing okay, and good luck for your SYF yeah? (: And to Ms Loo and Ms Chun (and Carolyn!) for taking the time to come down to watch us too, and the really touching SMSes <3
Thank you A01B for coming to watch us too! Hahaha I heard you shouting aww <3 Indeed the phallic mushrooms are much appreciated! <3 I'm sure they'll be immensely satisfying when I have them for dinner tonight hehe. :D
And thank you to Grace and Soonae and Ivee and Lichen and Jasper for the flowers!
And Shuhui Shermy for the chocolates!
And to Sumae for the lollipop! :D
And CY and Yvonne and Shakira for the pretty bear!
And Wanxi for the dragonfruit hahahaha!!
And to anyone else I've missed out >< Thank you! for the hugs and nice words. <3 It was really nice to see Choralfest'04 people like Kerryn and Suet and Lilin! :DD And seniors like Chuyan and Bonkie. Hahaha.

And of course,

To PUNCH: Thank you so much so much for all the wonderful memories, all the late night practices, all the fooling around, all the teasing and laughing. <33 I love you guys! And I'll really miss everything, especially the J2s when they leave.. ><

To Gen my fellow 1.71cm-tall-partner who's always so easy to talk to and bimbotic funny and good-natured! To Joelle with the pretty long hair for always being around and nice and sweet! To Bennett for being so disturbingly cute and good-natured and sweet (and letting me pat you on the head and hug you HAHA)! To Joseph for being so funny and amusing with your primness and for being such a funny uncle!

To Nikki for always opening your house / water / food and being so cute and lovable :D To Weisong for being so entertaining with your loser laughs and the retarded funny things you say! To Sandra for always being so patient and teaching and helping us with the songs (: To Yikai for your good-naturedness and for all the funny Jpoprockstar things that you do! And to Chenyun for always being around and for being so random and funny sometimes haha.

To the Altos: I love you guys super super much! I'm really happy to be in alto yayy! Hahahaha. Chorale won't be as funny and enjoyable if it weren't for all the funny random things we do during sectionals <3 But seeing as we still have SYF to go! we'll still be seeing much of each other. Haha I'll do a proper shoutout to you all after SYF. Yay okay I love the altos!

To the Carpenters: Thank you all for always getting punch dinner!! HAHAHAHA. And, of course, thank you for the fantastic sound reflectors, and for letting me playing around with the drills and stuff in the few times I helped out heeheehee :D

To the Busking people: Thank you for volunteering your time and all! ♥ Even though everything had to be so rushed, but I think it was a good experience anyway. (: Thanks very much! And to Publicity: Thanks for everything in the time that we all worked together! :D I had fun putting up posters and all, hahaha.

To Quan Jac Minsi Cat Geet Charmaine: Thank you for being around <3 and for going through our 5th / 4th / 3rd concerts together, for always being there to hug or talk or gossip. I love you sweethearts! ♥

And also, just to say thank you to Cat Avonne Nikki Huilin Yikai for the concert notes. (: ♥

Can't believe it's April, and concert's over already. To be honest, I don't feel that sense of euphoria nor the bad concert blues. Not yet anyway. As in, I had post-concert high, and I felt pretty wistful and sad that everything was going past so quickly.. but now I'm just filled with this mix of satisfaction and wistfulness and love and exhaustion and thankfulness.

I suppose it's because in previous years in RGSchoir, concert always marks the end of the year for us. The seniors leave, everyone settles into studying for EOYs, a new batch takes over etc.. and that was what made concert so sad. But for chorale, there's still gonna be SYF after this, so we'll continue to see a lot of each other for the next three weeks. (: So yeah. There's still time for us, so it's not that bad. <3

In the middle of rehearsal yesterday, it occurred to me suddenly that I'm really, really grateful to sing in a choir. Like, when we do it well, and we do it good, suddenly it seems like we're all in this enclosed sphere together. And it's such an intimate, bare feeling.. it leaves you feel so calm and warm and happy. (:

I'm glad I joined Chorale, even if the start was a little shaky. I don't regret it. ♥

SYF up next! (:

punch, concerts, raffles chorale

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