Oct 16, 2008 15:05
Please feel free to comment, etc on this if you know the order or have more information. Once it gets all happy, i may put it on the message board too.
*Encounter with giant Ants (OOC: right after check in, before town becomes in game)
-Several ants were seen outside of the area where the Incanari and others were staying. They seemed to be searching for something, and shortly after we identified them as some form of creature (Detect Animal), they took a more keen interest in us, and attacked myself, Rakas, Ragnar, and Corbett. Several waves came. I was knocked unconscience and wasnt sure what happened after that. Aurek showed up to help at some point, I noticed after my wounds were tended.
--Gow/Grouw mentioned to his Fae associates in town that they had been noticed around in force.
--The Thryan Rumblepaw also mentioned that the large amounts of ants were making it difficult to journey farther south.
*High Elf came calling to bring forth those who made an oath to aid the Fire Elementals in the caverns (Aurek, Zephyr, Lancet, myself). This was when the Company of the Wayward Soul were down freeing more souls from the Spirit Gate (Baiwan and Mawr gate). We pressed on and, with the aid of the Fire Elemental, were able to clear the Ice and Air elementals from their "territory". They have extended to us the chance to trade for elemental components in the future.
*Several in town had red armbands. When I questioned, they said that everyone who wanted to become a member of a tribe had to wear them and compete for Warleader position. I took this to mean as a part of Nunto's tribe of One. I didnt agree with fighting amongst ourselves, but gave pointers to Roxelana and others over the matter. I also learned of the poetry that people were supposed to write about each other, and felt uneasy about giving out my name and information for a cause I didnt know much about.
*Hydril came to town with a "champion", stating they wished to learn the use of arms. They stated that hiding and running was not proving effective for their survival, and they wished to be able to defend themselves with weapons if the need arose. Aurek took to giving them pointers in combat. They said that there was a possibility they might fight along side us in the future.
-They came back the second day for more pointers, and Aurek helped them again at some point
*Rumblepaw said he knew the relative location of our mail, and that the path there was overrun with carnivourous grasses before the field of silence. Myself and others cut our way through most of the flesh rending plants so that an attempt could be made that night to retrieve the mail sack. Jalderia, myself, Pierce,
*At some point, many went out to search for some treasure, encountering Haqwa along the way. After the chest was taken care of, myself and others attempted to free more souls from the Spirit Gate.
*That night myself and others went out, four groups of four, to the fields of silence to retrieve the mail bag. Each group went a different way. We, Aurek, Zephyr, Ragnar, myself, returned after wandering around the forest and finding naught. Outside the field we learned of others failure to find anything, and some manner of treachery about, friends attacking each other. We went back into the fields towards the one way that seemed to have anything. After several small battles with what were were told were wraith, Myself and Pierce followed a spirit to a bag on the ground. I picked it up, and dont remember what happened until I regained conscienceness back outside the fields near the healers. I have been told that "something that looked like" me attacked other parties out in the fields. Others returned shortly with the real mail bag and we headed back to town.
*The trolls and "Grandma" came to town, as per the quasi-deal which was made in the caverns. Lancet and Zephyr were taken off to learn "Troll Magic" with Grandma, while she set the three trolls loose on the town. I fought hard but was taken down, and could feel myself starting to be carried off by the trolls when one of the peasant caste we met upon first arriving interviened. After i was tended to, I was told the other fire dancers had been slain by ninja, and that we, myself and him, were the only ones left. We performed the ritual to appease the trolls, and also caught the eye of the Fox Kami in the area. I begged a boon of him, and explained the dream I had of someone with the power to change the nature of Fae. He grew concerned and I learned more of Prince Abbot Ashido, and his possible return. This troubled the Fox to hear. Jalderia and Edric listened and provided information as well.
*The next morning several Hooded Ones came, and I did battle with one with a polearm. Upon freeing his soul, I was told that "Kajak will walk with you at the end of days", a great honor.
*Others were joining with Nunto, and I refused as I felt it would be disrepectful to the Hooded One who would walk with me.
*Attik sent word that the Kamrie were taking a tribute to the Keeper of the Laws. We sent a runner to the Jainissaries, but no one was around. It was debated to attack the Kamrie, perhaps only in jest. Food was taken, and the Eidelon, to the Keeper. I was marched with an Incanari Honor Guard to the place they assembled. The Keeper verified that the Eidelon was not false, and that we had the Eidelon of the Hooded Ones, "The first of the first". The Kamerie gave us due respect and left us alone.