[Player name] Dem
[Age] 19
[Personal Journal]
dementiamorphea [Other characters currently played] N/A
[Character name] Yu Kanda
[Age] 19, biologically. However, it should be noted that while he sports a possibly older (20-30) person's brain/memory fragments, he is technically only 'awake' with his current consciousness for 9 years, and can fully act it, too. So, in a way, he is 9, 23+, and 19 all at once. SOB HIS CANON IS JUST THAT STRANGE. But generally it's 19, yeah.
[Canon] D.Gray-Man
[Point in time taken from canon] chapter 199, the moment of explosion.
Questionable Reliability Wiki link:
http://dgrayman.wikia.com/wiki/Yu_Kanda Summary:
He is an experiment of an organization called Black Order which specializes in exterminating demonic machinery called Akuma that are being created by the series' main bad guy, Millenium Earl. Akuma can only be destroyed by a material called Innocence, also known as God's Crystal, which is scattered all throughout the world in a total of 109 pieces. Certain people are compatible with those pieces and can use it as a weapon, and those people are called Exorcists.
However, Black Order wanted to gain the upper hand in that war, and that was why the "Artificial Apostle" project was started. Its goal was to manufacture "second Exorcists", beings capable of using Innocence but more durable, stronger, faster than the actual thing. It was done by implanting fragments of fatally wounded Exorcists' brains into artficial bodies that were grown in ponds in an underground laboratory.
Unfortunately, the project was a complete failure. All of the subjects that awoke in the first place would soon go mad and have to be shut down. One of them, called Alma Karma, seemed to be a success for a good while, until subject Yu Kanda woke up as well. For a while they both were put through inhuman, body-ripping attempts to synchronize with the Innocence. However Kanda, like the others, soon started to see hallucinations and hear voices, coming from the dead part's past, including a woman which would repeat that she is going to wait forever for him, and whom his brain-donor had loved. Alma didn't want to lose another friend and tried everything to save him, however in the process he discovered the labs with the dead Exorcist's corpses and realized the truth, proceeding to slaughter everyone in the facility. Meanwhile Kanda was being 'taken care of' by the scientists, Innocence finally reacting to him moments before he got killed and saving him. He was forced to face Alma, and killed him. What he didn't know however, was that Alma, in fact, had the soul fragments of that very same woman he since then dedicated his life to look for.
He was appointed as the Order's Exorcist at some point after that, and was assigned to a group lead by General Tiedoll, a very caring man. He eventually grew up and met new people, and become more powerful than ever before. And continued looking for the woman he had only seen in his visions, refusing to die until he has found her. He became rather close with a few fellow Exorcists, such as Lenalee whom he grew up with, Marie, Daisya, Lavi, and came to like the new Supervisor, Komui, because he did his best to put an end to all the human experimentation and actually looked out for the Exorcists. Plenty of times he actually puts his life on the line for them, all throughout the series, despite of seeking survival; it can be argued that in fact the most important thing to him is duty, whether to people close to him or to those he holds promises to.
Eventually, the series' main character, Allen Walker, joins the Order as well. He and Kanda hate each other from the very start, however eventually come to a sort of a grudgy tolerance, although they still dislike each other's presence. After a lot of shit happened in the main plot and the truth about Alma's real identity was revealed with the help of Allen, Kanda finally refers to him by his full name instead of the offensive nickname, first time ever in the series, before being sent off via magical wormhole known as the Ark together with Alma.
However, the honeymoon isn't as happy as it should be, because Alma is just a crumbling stump at that point - apparently the labs have kept his remains after he was killed and one day the branch was invaded and the Earl randomly turned him into Akuma, once again forcing him to fight Kanda who went a little crazy then - and so Alma says his goodbyes and dies, while Kanda's current status is unknown.
...Forgive me if it sounds confusing. It is. Even for the longtime fans. : )
Kanda's personality is simple enough, but it actually makes him a rather complex character, possibly because the roots of his behavior differ from other series' characters that appear similar on the outside.
First of all, he is rude, stubborn, proud, rather cold and often arrogant. He doesn't open to people, nor talk to them unless he really wants to say something and even then his sentences are rather short and commonly include swearwords (even when he was 9, he already knew a word that only a row of symbols could display in the manga). He doesn't like people acting familiarly with him (and, in fact, he doesn't even shake hands with anyone - for example, when Allen offered him a handshake when they first met, he just insulted the brat and went on his merry way) nor using his first name ("Yu"), but there are a few people that seem to get away with it; General Tiedoll, Alma and later Lavi always call him Yu but are threatened less than half of those times, Lenalee can whack him in the head with no consequences and has even received a compliment from him at some point (they also sometimes meditate together, since they were children even). His overused phrase that is his most common response to things he doesn't bother to answer to is simply "Che", or a similar monosyllabic sound. He looks down on a lot of people, often even ridiculing their feelings, though he also shows certain amount of respect to his superiors and Lenalee. Due to being able to use Innocence, and possibly to all the trouble he had to endure for that, he refers to all supporters as failures; he is powerful and doesn't see the need to be modest about it.
He's also quite violent and doesn't mind to resort to drastic means to prove his point or to get what he wants, including full-fledgedly attacking his comrades when they didn't want to leave him behind, or holding his blade at a child's throat to make him confess a theft. It can also be pointed out that he shows less than zero remorse over either of these situations even after some time passing, and doesn't even seem to think he had done anything special or 'bad' at all.
In fact, he doesn't seem to get quite a lot of things, and not only because he's supposedly the dumbest out of the main four. He often can appear childish or even petty, for example stealing a ribbon from a little girl to tie his hair since his own tie got damaged in a fight with "her siblings". Due to the wicked canon, instead of being normally born he had awakened from a pond at about 9 years old biologically. Even though it is unclear if he had any knowledge and motorics already, he's soon shown walking and talking according to how a 9 year old should; however now that he's around 19 he does at points act as if he was around 10 mentally as either way that is the period during which he had life experience. And that life experience mostly included the war, as well as being disciplined to act like a soldier and not show emotions right from his 'birth'. Seeing only bloodshed for all that time, it's entirely possible that he's a little emotionally underdeveloped. AT THE SAME TIME, his 'brain' was transferred from a diseased possibly older Exorcist, and while he doesn't remember much about his 'past life' other than broken fragments of memories and the feelings he's once had, it can show as well (not necessarily by him complaining about 'young people', but you get the point).
Kanda's rude and irritable jerk nature, however, doesn't seem to be the result of the experiments he's been forced through. He had been swearing and telling people off more or less from the moment he started talking. He was also even quicker to resort to physical violence. Also one might say he was a bit whiny, close to the point of being a crybaby, what isn't the case now (although he was shown to become just as whiny when he gets drunk, and being actually rather nice (though still an asshole) to his theoretical new best friend Lavi). Grown-up Kanda appears to be a little colder and more reserved, often calling out his threats in a calm tone rather than shouting (what is only more intimidating, really), but generally he is the same as back then. JERK WITH THE HEART OF A JERK, in other words. No actual Freudian excuse there.
Despite of all that, he still shows a certain amount of care to a few people, though that care still includes threats and sometimes smacking. He respects General Tiedoll and seemed secretly rather protective of him when the enemies, the Noah, started hunting down the Generals, even though he also admitted he 'hates the old geezer' for being odd, in other words, loving. He also gets along quite well with his teammates, Marie and the late Daisya, and these don't even seem to get threatened by him - nor does Lenalee, whom he presumably grew up with. Despite of witnessing her showing her weakness possibly more than anyone else in the Order other than her brother, he also respects her and considers her a 'strong woman' - he even tells her that, and that is the only compliment Kanda has given anyone this far. He also seems to somewhat get along with Lavi, especially when drunk, and often lets him get away with calling him by his first name. His mocking lectures to Allen might also be secretly well-intended, and he was shown saving a Finder from Akuma, even though he was also shown nearly strangling one to death due to being too loud when Kanda was eating. He was also friendly, though still being his own rude pessimistic self, to Alma Karma; however despite of thinking of him as his best friend even for years afterwards, when pitched with him in a deadly match he killed him rather than letting them both go down, and later in the series he implies he's ready to do it again if needed. He had done that without knowing the full truth about the experiments though; once it is revealed that Alma has the 'soul' he had been looking for, he sees him off in a very tear-wretching manner, leaving behind everything else (although it is entirely possible he does so with intention to return if he doesn't die), and agreeing to fulfill Alma's last wish to die on his own terms rather than being finished off by Innocence. ALL IN ALL, he can be a little more tolerable when it comes to a few chosen people.
Finally, there have been several moments that might imply his mental stability being really quite questionable. Not only him being angry beyond logic and any boundaries to the point of attacking everything in his way, smiling in a feral manner while being technically killed or using violent means on subordinates to get his point across point that way; as a child he was seeing hallucinations related to his past and, when he was considered to be a failed experiment due to that and the lab decided to cryogenically freeze him, he is seen maniacally laughing like a true madman, and claiming he knows the truth moments before the ceremony starts and his resurfacing memories are broken further, almost getting him killed until he finally manages to connect to the Innocence.
Kanda's default mood is annoyed. He doesn't use a huge variety of facial expressions; most usually he has a small frown on his face. It can vary by becoming darker or going into a blank expression, there's also the truly murderous look that was shown only a couple of times this far which usually signifies blind rage that everyone sane should run away from. Even though he was shown rarely but smiling as he was a kid, he almost never does that anymore and will rather wear a smug contented expression or a slightly psychotic homicidal grin.
Kanda is loyal and puts Black Order missions as his first priority, even though he hates its Central Agency. One might say that he is in fact loyal to Komui and the Generals rather than the Order itself, and that would seem rather true. He is very serious about orders and will lecture others if he thinks they're fooling around instead of what Exorcists should do. He seems to be a man of routine to the extreme; he only eats soba and nothing else, trains every day and is mostly focused on his work. Given that he also seems to connect it all to his main goal, it could also be said that he's almost too focused in a way.
The tiny bit 'softer' side of his reflects in his hobbies, which were stated to be soba making (no wonder) and gardening. It is unknown if him being somehow related to lotus has anything to do with it, but apparently he likes plants quite a lot.
His general mindset could be described by most of the quotes relating to him, in particular, "I will carry out the orders. Whatever happens, I will." that was displayed on a chapter cover once. Everything else is second-priority to him; like stated above, he doesn't care about the means he uses to fulfill his duty. He believes that in every war there are sacrifices - one could even say, he's one of them - and thinking otherwise is simply stupid. The war and fighting is why he exists in the first place; Mugen saved his life, in a sense - all that adds to such view on the world and battle-accepting nature. He also seems to believe that everyone who has different views on these things than him are either naive, gutless or stupid. He also tends to express more through actions or looks than actual words.
NOW THEN, his goal - to find 'that person' - is very important to him, and can be played against him since he tends to be very narrow-minded on a lot of things. (Also once he'll get updated, he'll be having trouble to find a reason to exist any more, this matter being resolved. While his will is very strong, at this point it might be quite easy to get to him in one way or another.)
Another somewhat-weakness is that he's easily annoyed or provoked at a lot of times, and tends to get overconfident in his abilities when faced with a fight. He is also way too stubborn for his own good.
Generally, people won't like him most of the time, not that he'll really care. That could be considered as a personality/mental weakness too I guess, but he doesn't seem to have many of those otherwise. Other than the unstable and seeing hallucinations constantly part, I guess.
First thing to note is that he is, in fact, an artificial human. As such, his physical ability extends beyond that of simple humans; he's very fast and agile (to the point of being no more than a blur when he moves), very physically strong despite his looks (capable of breaking holes in concrete with his punch or kick as well as splitting a machine in half with a sword alone), and he's a regenerator.
The extent of his regeneration exceeds death, in fact; most of his wounds heal in the matter of hours, he's capable of regrowing a lost limb or crushed organs, and, when killed, he will come to life as if nothing has happened approximately 580 seconds after the death. While it was displayed in canon that the number of such revivals must be barely countable, it also isn't unlimited, as the more damage he takes through the years, the slower his regeneration rate gets, implying that eventually he will, in fact, die permanently.
It was also implied that he is partly immune to cold, as well as hunger; it is entirely possible that not getting any food wouldn't kill him, given that he only eats soba which can hardly provide a normal human body with everything needed. It is speculated that he can eat just about anything, even if it's not edible at all. For the same reason, he is also quite immune to poison, both edible and in the form of gas.
Thanks to years of training, Kanda is a great swordsman, although it might be debatable that he excels more due to strength and speed rather than pure skill. Still, he doesn't waste movements and strikes quickly, can fight with a variety of swords without changing his style, and was shown cutting up huge, thick metal structures with a regular sword alone.
He also displays good battle instinct and his common denseness usually don't find its way into a fight; he's capable to make quick, logical decisions and won't be easily fooled by an enemy in disguise, sensing what he calls 'murderous aura' of sorts. It should also be noted that he has very strong willpower, even if it's not exactly an ability.
Finally, as an Exorcist, he is compatible with a supernatural matter called Innocence, which resides in his sword, Mugen. When activated, it allows him to use a lot of quite damaging moves, main of which are:
* First Illusion, Hell Insects: projectile attack that creates solid, scary-looking multi-eyed bugs with long,sharp stingers about the size of a horse that can run havoc at whatever they're aimed at.
* Second Illusion, Twin Blades: materializes a second sword in his other hand. This enables him to use a variety of energy-filled slashes, such as Eight Flower Mantis that looks basically like a quickly moving and deadly sharp spinning disc.
* Third Illusion; Sublimation. His strength and speed increase drastically, however it feeds off his remaining lifespan. The energy attacks can get explosive at this point.
* Fourth Illusion. Further increase in speed and power.
* Fifth Illusion. The blade starts emitting waves of electricity and changes colour; Kanda's hair goes all weird and he seems to lose awareness to the point of blindly attacking the target and anything that gets in the way until it is demolished. It takes a lot of his life and is very powerful (crater-making powerful). Some of the energy-based moves used with this, such as Ripping Flash Claw, use the power of lightning.
Seeing that he commonly won't use his powers on people and it doesn't really deal with anything too supernatural, mental nor is capable of really affecting the world (or escaping from Somarium), I don't think anything really needs to be restricted (not to mention there are downsides to pretty much everything, such as fainting from overusing Innocence as it drains his life force away, being generally quite dumb, overconfident, and etc). Granted, he won't be able to die as many times as he's used to in here. |D;;
[Other important stuff]
Kanda has a tattoo over his heart; it reads 'Om' and has a circle growing around it as his regeneration is overused. He also has very long hair and a face so pretty that it can get him mistaken for a female. Also, he seems to have a soft spot for nature, especially plants, and gardening is his (only) hobby, so it's likely he'll be nicer to animals than humans (and possibly befriend a carnivorous rabbit?) And, as a result of the experiments, he sees hallucinations of multiplying lotus flowers. Thereof, illusions might not really baffle him as much as it would a normal person, likely. ALSO I headcanon him as unable to swim. :'D
[Sample Posts]
[First Person]
Q: What were you doing before now?
A: Fighting an Akuma. [Sideways glare.]
Q: Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
A: Break the bastard's arm.
Q: You're asked to take someone out for a date. Do you agree? If so, describe what you would do. If not, tell why.
A: No. [Blankest face ever.] And I don't need to tell you shit.
Q: You are on the verge of death. You know there is no way to survive and there's no coming back. Choose any of the following to answer: What is your last wish? Your last regret?
A: ... [Glares.] None of your fucking business.
Q: You are a given a mission. Would you complete it effectively or would you goof off and do something else? Expand a little on the response.
A: I always complete them effectively. [Looks a bit proud.] It's the idiots whom I have to work with that get sidetracked all the time. Naturally, if it gets in the way of the objectives, I'll leave them behind.
Q: You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?
A: ...pull them up the cliff, I guess. There has yet to be an enemy who'd manage to 'get away' from me.
Q: You discover someone stalking you. Do you call the police or deal with it yourself?
A: ...I'm rather used to that. [Blank expression.]
Q: You just got a challenge to fight from one of the strongest gang leaders around. Do you accept or reject? Why?
A: Yes. I'll win anyway.
Q: There is a cake in the rain. What do you do?
A: Nothing. ... [Pause.] ...maybe save some if it's the kind that Lenalee likes.
Q: You are suddenly told you are the child of an ancient prophecy to save the world. How do you feel? Will you embark on your journey? Or would you rather shove it onto someone else and run away? Explain.
A: You could say I've heard something like that. All lies.
Q: You're dirt poor and your family is starving. You have a chance to steal bread. Do you: a) ignore it and get a job, b) steal it anyway because you know you won't get caught, c) get caught but break out of prison anyway, d) steal it and then hide from the creepy cop that keeps stalking you, e) don't steal because stealing is wrong :(. Explain why you chose that option.
A: Ponds don't eat bread I don't have a family.
[Third Person]
As always, Kanda feels a little of mild annoyance somewhere at the back of his brain as he exits Espoir, heading into the city itself. He's not used to big, fast-moving modern cities; where and when he comes from, it's so much more like in the calmer and less eccentric village. But he has no intention to sit there and wait for shit to happen; he'll never get out of here at that rate, and... There are still some things he needs to complete back home. Even if by now he knows getting back isn't going to be simple.
He leaves the almost-peaceful fields behind himself and stalks down the street towards the flower shop. He needs a job after all, and he can be quite persuasive with encouraging people to hire him - that sword on his belt isn't for decoration. Surely, there might be something better, but he's not too picky at the moment, not to mention he likes plants anyway, so... Until something more serious catches his eye, that is. Maybe there's some sort of military in here, it would be something he's definitely more used to.
There's a small, fluffy, though somewhat sinister-looking reddish-brown rabbit hopping after him. It's been around since shortly after he ended up here; Kanda was never interested in owning a pet, but, well. If the thing decided to stick around, he didn't really mind. He had even given him a creative name - Rabbit - and, since it wasn't just any rabbit but a carnivorous rabbit - reminded him of a certain idiot he knew - it could also be useful. Attack, fluffy, or something. He was perfectly capable of handling his own fights though, so the project Battle Rabbit hadn't happened just yet.
Someone bumps into him on the way, and he glares at the offender, Rabbit clearly taking the hint as for a moment Kanda's hand grips the hilt of his sword, but then he simply turns and continues on his way with a silent, "Che."
There's a scream from behind him as Rabbit has apparently taken a bite out of the person's shin, and is now hopping after him in a considerably more contented manner.
Few people are staring, and Kanda cocks an eyebrow lightly, eyeing them with a blank expression, because honestly, there is nothing unusual here. It repeats almost every morning he goes to work, after all. "What."
There's no answer; instead, everyone rushes on their way as far away as possible while the man and his rabbit continue down the street.
[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Ahaha I don't really ever plan things in advance. I love the game's premise and I've heard plenty of good things about it, so I wanted to try. And, well, a Kanda's is always a great addition to every place ever. (And I got severely enabled. VERY.)
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Hmmm I guess the BE IC one because I don't have to think about it to succeed or something.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] From Allen and Lenalee players~
[Any questions?] Yeeeeah, I was meaning to ask, if it's possible to have a dream-update immediately upon arrival? For example, the character appears sleeping, has the dream, then wakes up. Since for physical reasons I can't take him from his last chapter (lack of weapon), but mental-update would be awesome. If not, I'll just do it later, though. :'D