A sneek preview inside my mind

Jun 29, 2005 03:24

TEN Random Things About Me
1. I'm really shy around people that I don't know.
2. I've moved 347435345 times.
3. Music is my life. Listening to certain bands or songs can completely alter my mood.
4. Um...I guess this one kinda goes with #3, but the song READY STEADY GO by L'Arc~en~Ciel always makes me so flippin happy that I want to squeal when I listen to it. It can make me go from the worst day ever to me prancing around the house. damn you hyde and your magical voice of doom...
5. I have pink hair
7. I heart manga and own over 380 dollars worth o_o
8. I can be really judgemental (even though I try not to be)
9. I'm a feminist. I get pissed when men degrade women and say they're not good for anything.
10. I turn into the mother fuckin Hulk when people try to start something with my friends. I would defend all of my friends with my life.

NINE Ways To Win My Heart
1. Don't be a complete prick.
2. Be man enough to wear a skirt...
3. ....and makeup XD
4. Be passionate about the music you listen to, no matter what it is.
5. Don't complain about my views on things. If you see something differently than I do, lets talk about it instead of you getting pissed.
6. Be proud of me. If you're embarassed to introduce me to your family and friends, it's not gonna work.
7. Don't be racist.
8. Don't be completely emo and suicidal.
9. Be open-minded

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Go sky-diving
2. Go to the olympics (hopefully in Beijing)
3. Become Fluent in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and German.
4. Loose weight (it'll happen...eventually *shoves brownie in mouth*)
5. Get my nose pierced
6. Meet Miyavi (a girl can dream!!)
7. Learn how to play the drums. Maybe the Bass too...
8. See Margaret Cho perform.

SEVEN Ways To Annoy Me
1. Say something about one of my friends (not a good idea *cracks knuckles*)
2. Say something about my weight
3. Talk like a fucking valley girl. It's REALLY annoying 
4. Pick on other people just because they have a "lower social status"
5. Try to "save" me. I don't believe in "god" and it pisses me off when people try to preach to me.
6. Make a racist comment. It just shows your own ignorance.
7. Trying to act like your better than everyone.

SIX Things I Believe In
3. um.....nothing...?

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
1. Spiders o_O
2. Being in a car, driving off of a bridge, landing in water and not being able to open the doors of the car and then drowning.
3. People I don't know following me or trying to talk to me (i'm not a bitch, i'm just extremley paranoid).
4. People I care for not caring about me.
5. Not being accepted when I go to Japan...

FOUR Favorite Items In My Room
1. My laptop
2. My Barrel stuffed animal (Barrel as in the little guy from The Nightmare Before Christmas)
3. Taiko Drum Master!!!!
4. My Clothes

THREE Things I Do Everyday
1. Listen to music
2. Go online
3. Eat

TWO Things I Want To Do Right Now
1. Get some music by Kra and Never Crazy.
2. Eat another brownie.

ONE Person I Want to See Right Now
1. erm...*cough*dgfdjfchenhjkhl*cough*
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