Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately - I had my confirmation camp, then I went to Sweden and then to Helsinki & Ankkarock (which was AWESOME!), and I just have been very, very lazy at the times I was home. But, you probably are more interested about music than my personal life, so I give you:
lapko . hugging the phoneburden sleeps next to me
on it's own pillow never turning it's back on me
leevi and the leavings . ei se tyttö tule takaisinja sä huusit mulle "hullu! hullu!"
"mikset selvänä sä tullu, tullu?"
suudellessa kai sun suuhun oksensin
ja et sä koskaan tullut takaisin
the beautiful south . this old skini am the only black face in the whole damn place
just a raisin in the blazing sun
and there i am like that old sidewinder
just wishin' that her eggs ain't hatched
and the chain i wear has 'em wishin for the day when it came with a ball attached
scandinavian music group . vieläkö soitan banjoa? (NEW SONG!)
möin banjoni pois jo viime talvena
mutta laulan vielä; kuuntele tarkasti
tämä on viimeinen laulu jonka laulan sinulle
sen nimi on liian paljon ja liian myöhään
the white stripes . screwdriverwell what am i supposed to think
i drop a nickel in the sink
i love people like a brother now
smosh . transformers rap (watch the video
here; other smosh videos
transformers' creators wouldn't pay us to make this rap
they told us that this script was full of nonsense
i bet you thought i was gonna say crap
because it rhymes with rap, but i'm better than that