I just got a notification that my Twitter connection to my Livejournal has been terminated, for some reason or another, which got me thinking about why I've kept this blog around for so many years while basically phoning it in (and doing a poor job of that, since I barely post to Twitter anymore). I think it's partly for the nostalgia, since this was the second blog I'd ever had, and somewhere back in time (almost 20 years ago!!), I had some fun posts from an interesting time in my life, and downloading the archive didn't seem like the best way to preserve them.
Another part of me was like, I don't have any friends left who even read this blog anymore (that I know of; speak up if you do!), and it's probably just populated by foreign bots trying to pick up on my personal information, and maybe no longer a real blogging platform (which would honestly be kinda sad). This means I might actually be more open about things in my life, and rant a little here and there without upsetting anyone with a stake in the situation (but not so open that those foreign bots can pick up anything important about me, amirite lol).
Gosh, I can't believe how much my life has changed, even since I posted last. Definitely since I started this blog. My husband was just entering the military, and now we're about to leave it. I have a teenager and an almost-teenager, a minivan, a house, two entirely different cats, and about twenty extra pounds since I was in my twenties.
I definitely have more drama, too, and I CANNOT WAIT to kick most of it to the curb by the end of June. But I have a feeling it's going to make for some fun stranger-than-fiction stories that I couldn't write for publication, because they're too close to reality, but maybe they'd work for a blog post or ten. 😉 I'll change names to protect the innocent, as well as those who don't deserve protection, but I have a feeling this will be good therapy...
You know those people in your life who are frankly just the worst, but they think they're very important and should be listened to? The ones who think their patronizing behavior is cute and funny, but is, in fact, extraordinarily frustrating and sometimes demeaning? I know too many of those people right now, and have to interact with them on a regular basis-but I do not have enough of an outlet for the vitriol they boil up in my body when I have to deal with their extreme bullcrap.
But their stories ought to be told! I mean, they think they're so great, why not share that greatness with others? 😆
I need to sleep now, but the first story is coming soon...
Welcome back to the Cobwebs of My Mind. The broom has been replaced with a microfiber cloth, but I still don't clean nearly as much as I ought. I doubt I'll get another twenty years of blogging out of this, but I might as well do some while I still can. 😉