Jul 08, 2011 23:15
I can't let at least the ideas behind my last two go by without some kind of record.
1) Some kind of zombie apocalypse had occurred, and simultaneously there had been a season of heavy flooding throughout the UK. The zombies were only in specific areas of the UK, but they had knocked out the most common 'leave the UK' travel routes out. The Government had all fled and abandoned the country to its own device, leaving the population in a scramble to find a way to get off the mainland asap.
Now I never saw the zombies in my dream, aside from some far off silhouettes on the other side of a body of water. Almost my entire dream was spent in a very roughly made dug-out canoe, with three other companions. In the canoe with me were John and Sherlock from the BBC's version of "Holmes", and our propulsion was being provided for us by Shrek. Yeah. I know. It wasn't a 'realistic' Shrek either, it was just as he appears in the movie, all CGI.
Many nights/days were spent in the canoe, with Shrek always behind us pushing us through the water, and with Sherlock right up in front like some weird kind of figurehead. I spent a lot of time talking to John, and scratching Shrek behind the ears.
Towards the end, we landed on a small bit of land, that may well have been the top of a hill that had a sort of ramshackle hut on it. Inside the hut were Jean Grey, Wolverine, Gambit and Cyclops. All looking gaunt and shell-shocked. As with Shrek, they appeared exactly as they used to in the cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid, proper 2D sketches.
I woke up just before Gambit began to speak.
(For the record I have not read/watched any of these things in at least two months! And the most current exposure I've had to zombies is lots of cartoon versions of the survivors from Left 4 Dead 2, no actual zombies though.)
2). I don't remember as much about this one but I really wish I did.
Last night I dreamt about trying on gorgeous dresses with Gillian Anderson in a really luxurious dressing room, which looked as though it was filled full of things that had been bought of Etsy ;) I had a figure that I would kill for, and a friendship with Gillian that was off-the scale in terms of genuine laughter.
In the same Universe, but with no kind of timescale, I was having a very passionate affair with Patrick Dempsey (at one point we were eating Aero Mint Mousse off each other). The sense if well-being and contentedness I felt during every part of being with him (not just the naughty bits) is something I didn't think could exist!
(For the record, there have been a lot of pictures of Gillian Anderson on my Tumblr dash recently, and I did watch "Transformers 3" the other night. However, I HATE trying on clothes, I don't have a great love for dresses and whilst I can see the aesthetic appeal of Patrick Dempsey I have never lusted after him.)
What gives brain?
Aside from the general loathing of my job, worrying about my Uncle and not having any unbranded trainers to work in tomorrow I have no major pressures/stresses on me at the moment. I don't hate my body and the Boy and I are doing great.
Can't wait to see what tonight brings :)