This years display must of had a Starwars theme...
It was my friends birthday yesturday so myself and a bunch of his friends went to the riverside to watch the pretty display! Usually I can see it all from my bedroom so I've never been there in person for years - but I had such a good time I want to go every year! I met up with Tyne because she gets just as hard over big rockets that go BOOM as I do - and we hummed along to all the classic theme tunes, danced about and made me feel less awkward about being surrounded by strangers and Anth.
Unfortunately Tyne had to leave - and instead of allowing myself to sit in Daniels front room in stony embarassed silence, I allowed his mother to get me drunk. Hilarity as always ensued, and I didn't break anything this time around. From today onwards however, I'm not going to drink until New Years Eve. I have a sneaking suspition that the next time I do something crazy I'll end up dead...
Today I looked for more jobs, I got an application for Gamestation but I don't think I'll hand it back in. The people at the counter were complete dickheads and I'd feel like a traitor working for them instead of my dearly beloved CHiPS <3 Looks like it's ASDA for me after all then...