All entries below this one are exact copies of my ancient prepubescent ramblings. Special apologies go to Hannah who is presumably going to recieve over 150 emails confirming this fact.
delta_wave !!!
Add it. Love it. And ignore this one. It's going to be kinda-sorta-friends only so I can actually be a cunt and not care :o)
I think it's safe to say that I have out-grown this journal - the username and early entries actually cause me physical pain and serve as a constant reminder that I used to think Anne Rice was cool.
Ice skating in Central Park. I didnt join in with the others because I was being anti-social and wanted to see where Lennon was shot instead.
Yeah, thats it...
I felt a bit cheated so I went and bought some pizza and pink lemonade to console myself...and when I came back there were people laying on the fucking thing pretending to be dead whilst their friends took pictures. Germans are weird...
Central Park (again)
Spiderman attacks the Sony Building. Seriously, that was the best thing about the place (except for the talking robot that greets you in) and there wasn't a PS3 in sight :o( If you ever find yourself in New York, dont waste your time coming here.
The view from the Empire State Building. My pot of vasaline set off the metal detactors on the way up and I nearly shat myself because I thought the security guard was going to shoot and/or pepper spray me for being a 'terrorist'. I can appreciate why the Americans feel the need to intrude into everyones personal space but they don't have to be so mean about it.
Oh, and it was freezing up here too.
Hannah and the Mr. Potatohead we made in Toys 'R' Us. He was a beautiful thing...
(P.S: If you're wondering why I'm not in any pictures, it's because I fell up the stairs and did
this about 12 hours before we set off. Typical :oP)
I didnt enjoy my stay in New York as much as I thought I would. I spent the majority of my time either being alone or fending off 'Gangta's' who wanted to take me to New Jersey. I also had to share a room with a member of the 'Old Billy Massive' who slept in negligé every night, smelled weird and brought TWO dorks up into our room for what I can only assume was a midnight shower.
Which I'll upload when it isnt 12:28 am :oP