I love this show. Mostly because it's just so bloody British, but it's also so brilliantly written and morally grey! Thoughts on this week's episode are here...
First of all, I loved the George plot. His father was great and I really loved the whole Back to the Future vibe. What I didn't like, though, was how the illegality of what he did wasn't even commented on. Faking your death it HUGE. For one thing it means that whoever really died is just missing - it's brushed off as being "probably some homeless guy", but it could easily have been someone else. What if it were a kid that snuck in there to smoke? His or her parents would be holding out hope that their child is alive when actually he or she is dead. So there's that. Also, how is George Senior suddenly going to be alive again? YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH STUFF LIKE THIS. So yeah that was annoying. A plot twist they obviously didn't think through.
Ah Herrik. I'm actually loving this plot. I honestly think that if Mitchell would just LEAVE HIM ALONE (wtf Mitchell, seriously) then Herrik (Herrick?) has the chance to be, if not the best person in the world, at least better than what he was. I like him, personally. He's been the victim of terrible abuse and yet he's still trying to do what's right. And he didn't bite Nancy, which makes him ok in my book.
Nancy is epic. I adore her, and I desperately want her to find Mitchell out. I guess it's cos I'm a new viewer, but I'm finding it hard to warm to Mitchell. I think it's because he's a very... well, human character. He's not good or evil, he's not really sure what he's doing - he's just like everyone else. Only with a good dash of serial killer thrown in. And I think that if he really wanted to atone for killing all those people then he'd confess to the police. But he's not so....
I guess that's about it from me for now. Expect more posts soon - maybe even my 30 women meme! :D