Lotsa Susan icons.

Feb 12, 2011 16:39

So this is cos I'm bored and she's on my mind.  I really should have been doing my Narnia and women essay for Hullfire today, but I ended up faffing around instead.  I'm really stupid.  Oh well.  Here is the product of my day...









Anna Popplewell





So there's that.  Also, I'm doing an article on repression to (on?) women all over the world.  I'm not too sure about this one.  Might be too upsetting to write.  I want to write about female "circumcision" but that might be too gross and taboo.  Plus, I would REALLY like to do an article about how culture and specifically religion will always be the barrier to achieving true equality between the sexes, but I think that would upset too many people.  And by upset I mean anger.  Anyway, if anyone has any ideas or resources let me know!


PS: also I need a title for my Narnia essay.  Help?

susan is a secular humanist, real life, life suck, feminism, artish, susan rules, susan is a rebel, narnia

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