So, Narnia...

Jan 10, 2011 22:43

Went to see it today.  And omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg Casmund.

Never would have shipped them.  Honestly never.  But wow the chemistry in the film was just so tangible.  That fight scene, actually both...  unf.  But mostly for me it's the characters.  They just go so well together.  As I was trying to explain to my baffled mother, they are different enough to have the chemistry and tension, but have this affinity that makes them perfect for each other.

Just watch the film.  You'll get what I mean.  I was also impressed with how they inserted a plot - very masterful work.  And OMG EUSTACE.  That kid owns my soul.  Non-UK readers - WATCH SCHOOL OF COMEDY.  He is epic in it.

But the most important thing....


Omg this line "Jill Pole just popped round" - SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!  Along with Aravis (The Horse and His Boy) and Susan (because I played her in a stage adaptation of Wardrobe) Jill is my all time favourite Narnian character.  And the Silver Chair is my favourite book (HHB is my second fave, third fave being The Magician's Nephew).  So excited for this.  The plot for the book is epic, and onscreen it's gonna be immense.

Though, post googling fest, I can't find much info about it, or even if it's being filmed or they've cast the characters.  DOES ANYONE KNOW ANY NEWS?!

But back to today, which ended with a 15 minute fangirl squee sesh with my sister, in which several things tranpired.

- We decided that after the Penvensies (and Eustace) went home, there's this shot of Aslan and Caspian walking dramatically away.  The camera pans around to show some young hot surfers (possibly either the cast of 90210 or Bill and Ted) coasting along the massive wave.

- After the Casmund hug, the Doctor pops up in the TARDIS, smushing their faces together so they kiss.

- They then ride off in the POPEMOBILE to make sure Hermione and Bellatrix get it on (because omg that scene in Deathly Hallows....).

- Caspian and Edmund then release their version of Avenue Q's song "If You Were Gay".

- My sis thought the word "ship" had something to do with real ships.


~ Lili


avenue q rules ok, squee!, real life, my sis rules, shipper heaven, at the movies, hermione/bellatrix torture scene is hot, narnia, otp: edmund/caspian

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