Dec 10, 2010 20:49
Little section from Wikipedia's entry on Zaphod...
"In (at least) the books, he is, according to screening tests that he ran on himself in the Heart of Gold's medical bay, "clever, imaginative, irresponsible, untrustworthy, extrovert, nothing you couldn't have guessed" (Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, page 98). In the movie, however, he is not very bright, and perhaps even more boorish than his previous portrayals. He is portrayed as a vacuous California surfer-type, and Sam Rockwell, the actor who played him in the film, cited Bill Clinton, Elvis Presley and George W.Bush as influences. Zaphod in the film is very much immature, (in contrast to the books where he was immature, but had a lot of power and was smart and devious,) acting very eager about everything, eating messily with his hands, throwing temper tantrums, and doing things without reason, such as pressing the Improbability Drive button just because it was large and shiny."
In fact, in reference to the final point, in the book Zaphod tells Arthur NOT to do exactly that (pressing the Improbability Drive button) because there was no way to know what might happen.
But now I know there's at least one other guy, the author of the Wikipedia article, that understands Zaphod properly!
zaphod is the best bang,
only i understand zaphod,
hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy,