Buffy Worship: Original Movie Remake

Oct 09, 2010 20:41

I am aware that I may get attacked for this but I would actually welcome a remake.

Don't scream at me!  Hear me out.

The original film was crappy cracky brilliance.  And it's fun when you're drunk.  But it was never realised to its true potential (probably because Joss didn't direct).  So a new version could be so awesome.

Yes, The Whedon has said he won't be involved.  Which is a shame but I understand.  And it's possible it could be a complete flop.  But I for one am intruiged as to what it would be like.

Plus it would introduce a new generation to Buffy!  Even if the film is bad there will no doubt be a lot of people that will turn to the series and start watching it again.  Plus anything anti-Twilight is good.

And I'm pretty sure the lovely jesslat agrees with me!

So who would you have play Buffy?  I though Dakota Fanning...


Because she's a brilliant actress and she's the perfect petite delicate blonde.  And I think she'd do brilliantly.

jesslat disagrees.  She thinks Brittany Robertson would be a good Buffy.


From Life Unexpected.


Poll Buffy Remake


PS: check out jesslat 's sister post to this one...

PPS: actually I'd like Mary-Kate Olson as Buffy.  Because she's a good actress that hasn't done much in a while.  Plus she conforms to the whole blonde-bimbo-turned-bamf thing that Buffy is famous for!

jessie is my friend at uni, at the movies, whedon is a genius, btvs, buffy is a bamf

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