So my sis comes back from the library and she's all giggle-face. I ask her what it is and she presents this to me...
I mean, I haven't read fandom books like this since Dr Who when I was 12 (btw, The Silence Of Dreams rules). And I probably won't read this one seeing as I'm making my way through various history and philosophy books. But how cute is she?!
So I've also joined
spn_treehouse which is all kinds of fun! I write for Casey, who was a one-hit-wonder demon back in S3. I really liked her so it's working out well! Here are some arts I did for her...
~all are snurchable~comments and credits make me squee~
~textures thanks to
So that's about it from me then. Revision's a bitch and I'm still ignoring it, but I should probably get down and do some now, as my exams are less than 2 weeks away *groan*
Hope everyone's doing fine, and I apologise for my lack of activity with my flist! :( Revision + new RP game = geeky Lili does hardly anything else. Though I went out with my friends last night and that was fun :D
Oh! Nearly forgot - after months of waiting, we finally found some kittens!!!!!!!!!!!! I know this is the first time I mentioned it, but I didn't want to jinx it. And it's still not certain, but I'll give y'all pics when we know for sure. They are so cute!
Playwise - I have to sing really high for Albion. (My pagan gods play.) And apparently my Irish accent is too stereotypical. W/e, I'm rusty! Last time I used it was 2 years ago! Also, I didn't get the Closer part. Apparently I looked too young, which makes sense as Alice (the character) is 6 years older than me! And I like the girl who got the part (she is the right age) so it's all good.
Hope life's going well for my flisters!
Lili out!