I am watching Hammer of the Gods. And they just introduced Hermes.
HERMES DOESN'T EAT PEOPLE!!!!! THERE IS NO RECORD OF HIM EVER DOING SO!!!! And I doubt that he was a god that demanded human sacrifices - he was Olypus' messenger, and their version of the Trickster. He was pretty low level too. So WHAT THE FUCK SPN???!!! I adore Hermes :(
Oh, this show makes me want to cry sometimes. They write it so well, why do they have to be so... narrow.
Also, watching the episode before (I forget the name, the one with Adam) it occured to be - why the fuck couldn't they have had a half sister instead? And Adam in this episode was just basically Dean. I tell you why they couldn't have had a sister - because she would have been a victim.
WRITERS OF SPN - please, please, be more feminist! And more open to other people's beliefs! Oh, and do your bloody homework! If you're going to use gods of other cultures, at least research them first. I can't help feeling that the writers just googled "pagan gods" and then wrote down the names they liked.
Supernatural seemed so original in the beginning. It saddens me that it turned out to be so conventional.
How is then, that I still love it?!
PS: I have fallen in love with another pair of shoes, after finally acquiring the ones I have covetted for 4 years. Oh well, at least the new pair are only £60! (a whole £10 cheaper than last time!) :P
EDIT: NOW I'M REALLY ANGRY - the one English-accent god is a fucking Norse god!!! So they haven't even brought in any Celtic gods (which, btw RULE). Oh, and about this god...
Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) is a
god in
Norse mythology associated with light, beauty, love and happiness.
ie: no people eating. *angry face*
I really, really hope I'm prejudging this and the episode will turn out to asuage my suspicions. But I doubt it.
EDIT2: and the other Norse god (Odin, another fave) has an AMERICAN ACCENT!!! Good grief, SPN! You're just throwing names in a hat, aren't you?! You don't care about continuity, or the fact that your audience might be intelligent and be familiar with the gods you're trashing.
...I am enjoying the god banter though :D And yay! Now Gabriel's here!
EDIT3: LOL my friend who downloaded this for me left in the Ghostfacers ad! Knowing full well that I can't watch that show because I'm in England and it's not available to me! Damn you Barney! :D
I kid, I love him really. Oh and loving the Gabriel/Kali romance btw :D
EDIT4: liking Kali. And I'm actually liking how the whole pagan god thing is turning out. Apart from the eating people thing, which I am obviously against. Kali eating people I understand, but the other gods shouldn't. What I love about the pagan gods is that in most cultures they aren't all good. In fact, most of them are dicks. And sure, there are probably a few that do enjoy the occasionaly human on toast. But not the ones SPN picked.
EDIT5: was loving the Kali girlpower (except wtf - she can destroy worlds, why can't she destroy Lucifer?!) until this line "get her out of here" and then she was carried off like the victim she turned out to be.
Ok, that last comment was more feminist than I usually am, but I'm getting sick of this! I do still love that Gabe came back for her though :)
EDIT5: Oh Gabe!! *sobs* and final feminist rant...
I would do my disclaimer of "sorry if i'm wrong - haven't seen all the episodes yet" but there's no way in hell Death's gonna be female.
I finish with a thought from Whedon: in reply to someone asking him (again and again) why he writes such "strong women characters" he replies...
"Why aren't you asking a hundred other guys why they're NOT?"