May 05, 2010 22:00
Ok. I have 10 minutes to go at work and I'm BORED. So have a post!
Real life sucks atm. Apparently now I have anxiety, and it was so bad today I've been shaking and on the verge of tears! Try that at college then work until 2200! But my coursework's almost done (hurrah!) and then there's just exams which shouldn't be too bad.
LOL elections soon. And I love how nearly all of my year at college are voting LibDem! I'm voting for them. I love the rants on facebook - so much fun to read!
OMG Flashforward!! I can't believe I've never posted about this show before. I LOVE it. It took me a while to get back into it (because bloody American hiatuses SUCK), but I'm in love again. I adore what they're doing with Janis, and I must say I kinda have a girl!crush on her. She's just so preeedy! And OMG SIMON. I missed the episode that was all about him, so must catch that online sometime. Because wow, I seriously love this guy. I can't even explain it! He's just so sexy :D
Of course I can't do a post without a note on feminism - ma says it should be called Equalism. I agree. The word feminism has bad connotations nowadays which is terrible - we're not a group of militant women wanting to castrate men! We want equality for the sexes, both male and female.
Final point - BNP (British National Party, AKA bastards) leader Nick Erikson said "women enjoy sex, so rape is not a terrible experience. It's like force feeding a woman chocolate cake". WTF!!!! I may have to murder this man now.
Anyway, that's all from me! Expect art soon - I'm doing a group of icons honouring Whedon's "strong women characters".
Night all!
real life,