The Ongoing War of Women vs Supernatural (ie: I just watched The Song Remains The Same)

May 01, 2010 01:13







*sobs some more*

Ok, before I get into the Anna-loving/writer-hating stuff, may I first say that this episode was riddled with descrepancies.  The most annoying being that ONLY ANGELS CAN KILL ANGELS!!!  This pissed me off in Abandon All Hope (how stupid were the boys to go after Lucifer without Cas?).  And now apparently there's this magical knife that kills angels?

Whatever happened to EXPLAINING things before you introduce them?!  Writers of Show - you are not gods.  You can't just write something in and expect the fans to accept it out of hand!  We're not stupid!

Oh, and while we're on the subject of gods - WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO PAGAN DEITIES??!!

Ok, I haven't yet watched the episode in question but, like the geek I am, I already read about it.  And let me just say this NOT ALL PAGAN GODS EAT PEOPLE!!

In fact, only a few do.

And Ganesh is part of Hinduism - a thriving religion.  So wtf are the writers doing branding him a people-eater?!  I did my year 8 RE studies, and obviously I know more than them.  Because he's a peaceful god.

Of course, it doesn't help that I'm acting in and co-writing a play celebrating the British pagan gods atm.  (I play Morrighan, goddess of war, futility and royalty.  I'm making her Irish, closed off and snarky, but with a sensitive side.  It's fun!)

Right.  That rant over, onto the rest of the episode, AKA Anna.  As I normally do when I have a lot of things to say/get off my chest, I shall organise my thoughts in list form.

- Why was there no explanation for the character twist?  This was just like Ruby, but worse, because Anna was always a sympathetic character!  And suddenly she's a bitch?!  WTF!!!!!!  It's obvious they needed a villain for this episode, and the fans didn't like Anna so they just used her.  And they couldn't be arsed to do a proper storyline for her so they just threw her in and branded her Bad Guy.  This is sloppy writing, my friends, and we deserve better.

- Oh Dean.  This episode, or at least your reaction to Anna, was almost enough to turn me against you.  (If it weren't for the amazing emotional scenes with Mummy and Michael.)  So what, Cas decides you guys have to kill Anna and you don't object?!  You slept with her, you had feelings for her, and yet there's no "wait a minute, let's talk to her"??!!  Oh Dean.  I am disappointed.

- If he decided to do this plot (which I'm pretty sure he'd never agree to, as it's preposterous), Whedon would have done this so much better.  He would have written it so that not only was Anna's twist explained, we would feel for her and understand her decision, even if we disagree.  And it's not too hard to do this.  You just show some Anna torture scenes at the beginning, and maybe have one of the characters have a proper conversation with her.  But no.  It's far easier to just use her to your own ends, even if that means destroying a great character.

I hope you guys don't think I'm over reacting.  And sure, in the grand scheme of things, one show's treatment of women isn't going to matter.  But right now in my life I need a show I can just enjoy, without nit picking and getting frustrated whenever I watch it.  (I would watch my Whedon shows but I practically know all the words now.)

Basically, I love Anna.  I have always loved Anna, even before I started watching the show.  You see, I accidentally watched Heaven and Hell when it was on originally, and Anna's character (especially her speech about being an angel) really stuck with me.  So to watch her character get such a terrible treatment was horrible for me.  And it ruined what should have been an amazing episode (I love the time travelling ones).

Whatever.  I'll watch the rest of season 5, and I might watch season 6 if I have time at uni.  But tbh I'm too fed up now to truly enjoy the show.  Which is such a shame because I love it.

*switches off rant button, sighing*

Night guys.

this is so going on my blog!, rantish, feminism, drama rambles, supernatural, whedon

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