I am an award winning journalist!!

May 15, 2011 00:44

So yeah.  Today was the Hullfire awards.  I was nominated for 3 awards: best news writer, best article and best writer.
I won.
That's best writer of ALL THE FUCKING PAPER for the second one.


ALSO I was sitting next to my editor all night who watches Community AND SHIPS ANNIE/ABED!!!!
Needless to say, it was a good night.


PS: my friends in the radio were like "we didn't nominate ourselves cos it's too MAINSTREAM".  I loled.

PPS: I forgot to write what the awards say on them!

Ok, the first is for  Best News Writer and was judged by some media executive in the university staff.  It says:
"Both articles tackled challenging and what could be deemed controversial subject matter but dealt with them in an intelligent and insightful manner, informing the reader with well-written and well-researched copy.  The adoption of their perspective strengthened the authoritative character of the articles, and the historical complexities of the subjects were deftly presented to contextualise and contemporise issues."
This was judged on my articles on DADT and Burma, if you remember them!

And the second is for Best Writer and was judged by A GUARDIAN WRITER!  Matt Shoard, if you're interested.  Anyway, it says:
"Both pieces are cliche-free zones packed with the personality of a fearless, wholly original and very witty individual."
XD  This one is my fave!  Judged on my WikiLeaks and Charlie Sheen articles, and possibly my Narnia essay too.

squee!, real life, fic challenge: women in narnia, lili is a writer, journalism, uni is scaryfun, hullfire, articles, lili is an award winning journalist, lili is the next lois lane

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