My Favourite Messiah: fight club.

Apr 25, 2011 03:08

Ok.  I lied.  Buffy is not my favourite messiah.  This is.

(there is no eye catching image cos it's not very Fight Club, nao?)

First of all, let me apologise for this post.  I just watched the film and it's 3am.  My thoughts (or what's left of them after the epic mindfuck) are not what you would call collected.  Or, you know, sane.

Second thing that's not that relevant - I feel you guys should get some idea of what this film is to me (and the book too, actually).  It is part of my identity.  I can't go into it without rambling about depressing shit that you guys don't care about.  Suffice to say that this film is kinda part of me.  I don't care how you take that.  I am aware of how cracked and fangirly it sounds but hey. is how it is.


Very brief messiah explanation, despite the fact that I could write about this film/book for years and still not cover everything.

Oh, and in case you didn't guess, this post contains spoilers.

Obscure quote is obscure.

Name:  exactly.  (the narrator / Tyler Durden)
Calling: if we're talking Tyler, it would be the proletariat revolution of his day.  Destroying the commercialist world an d forcing humanity back to its roots yadda yadda.  If we're talking the narrator it's a whole different story.  His calling is catarthis, plain and simple.

Died:  metaphorically?  In so many ways.  Hitting bottom could be a metaphor for dying, the fighting could be dying, becoming Tyler could be dying...  But the real death scene is when he kills Tyler.  A part of him dies to allow all of him to be reborn. 
Saved:  himself.  And Marla.  There's not really anyone else.  By this point (especially if you go by the book's ending), Project Mayhem is completely out of Tyler's control.  It's going to continue even without him.  Well....  If you're familiar with the film you would think this isn't the case.  They kinda play it both ways but imply that everything's going to be fine.  The book, while it has a beautiful alternate shooting scene, ends on a really ominous note.  But I digress.  Actually though, by killing Tyler he probably saved others from dying.  I dunno.  hard to say.
Resurrected:  he regains, or perhaps just gains, a complete identity.  So i guess yeah.

Messiah?  I would say so.  Tyler especially is the messiah of the modern age.  Or maybe the anti-messiah.  Or maybe not.  There are so many parallels with Jesus - he preaches, he gains a massive following which then gets out of control (sometimes it seems Tyler planned it that way).  Fun thing I noticed during the film in regards to the latter point - the "his name is Robert Paulson" scene is so like the bit in Life of Brian where he gains his following (Brian's totally coming later btw).  In both cases, the not-messiah tries to communicate something simple and his followers over analyse and attach meaning that totally wasn't there in the first place.
Again with the digression!  Basically, Tyler is such a messiah.  I'm not even going to bother to explain cos anyone who's seen the film (and if you haven't 1 - stop reading this you stupid arse and 2: WATCH IT) will know this is the case.
Now the narrator...  I still think he's a type of messiah.  They are after all the same.  Ugh, more analysis needed.  Brain death imminent.  Must finish post.

Love or hate?  duh.  I am so so sooooo in love with all of what this character is.  This time I watched the film I was realising Marla's POV for the first time (because there are soo many different ways to watch this film) and it made me realise the reasons I love him.  Mostly it's because I identify with him.  None of you will know exactly why, and trust me, you're better off not knowing.  Suffice to say that I know a bit of what he went through.  Yeah.  I'm fucked up.

I has a gif.  And it's of my fave scene.  So I shall post.

Ok.  This is a really shit post and I apologise.  I wish I could write all my analysis of Fight Club because trust me - I know this film/book inside out.  I'm pretty sure I know every hidden meaning, have spotted every parallel and message...  I wish this were a better post.  But hopefully I persuaded you that this guy is a messiah.  If not then oh well.  Sleeping now.  Brb in never.

fight club is the best film in the world, spam series: messiahs, lili should be sleeping rn, fight club

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